
排名 封面图 名称 人数 时长(分钟) 难度值 评分 淘宝
7898 Fighting Sail: Sea Combat in the Age of Canvas and Shot 1775-1815
2 240 中度策略
5.6 暂缺
8021 Sharp Practice: Wargame Rules for Large Skirmishes in the Era of Black Powder, 1700 to 1865
2 - 6 120 中度策略
5.6 暂缺
8064 The Battle of Monmouth
2 240-1200 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
8215 Newtown
2 150 中度策略
5.6 暂缺
8391 Muskets & Tomahawks: Skirmishes in North America during the 18th century
2 - 4 45 毛线
5.6 暂缺
8509 The Battle of Monmouth
2 180 中度策略
5.6 暂缺
8712 Brandywine & Germantown
2 - 4 360 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
8981 Campaigns of 1777
2 - - 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
9010 New York 1776
2 120 轻度策略
5.6 暂缺
9354 The Battles of Rhode Island & Newport
2 - - 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
9596 Black Seas: Rulebook
2 - 12 30-500 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
9688 Maurice: War in an Age of Gentlemen and Philosophers – 1690-1790
2 - 4 180 中度策略
5.6 暂缺
9749 Washington's Crossing
2 480 重度策略
5.6 暂缺
9922 Patriots & Redcoats
4 - 10 15-25 毛线
5.6 暂缺