玩家评分: 7.4

Cruel Necessity: The English Civil Wars 1640-1653

桌游极客排名: 2498

本月排名变化: 23

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 1 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.81 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.02



出版年份: 2013


| Victory Point Games


| John Welch


| Tim Allen | Vinh Ha


|内战 |布阵 |政治 |宗教 |战争


这个纸牌游戏,适合团体和课堂合作游戏,通过其关键事件和决策点讲述英国“内战”(1640-53)的故事。你试图停止四个军队的进步,摧毁你所代表的议会和清教徒主义;简单地坚持到伦敦是不够的。“这三个英国”内战“中的每一个都是通过使用单独的卡牌来重放,这些卡片甲板重现了可能对议会军队造成厄运的历史军事和政治事件。内战不仅在英国,苏格兰也是爱尔兰,并且每个将在不同时间对游戏的玩法产生不同的影响。标题来自于对他的不可敌的的敌人查尔斯王朝的斩首的反应,奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)指出这一行为杀人事件是一个残酷的必需品。“注意:残酷的必要性是我们的第一个黄金横幅战争,以排除安装的地图。由于残酷需要所有游戏的房地产,使用我们的按需印刷出版模式,将零售价提高到55.00美元(即15美元),这似乎太多了。我们希望我们的骄傲的战争客户可以用我们坚固的纸质地图来战士,因为他们长期提供的伟大的战争。



•一22“ x 17“纸游戏地图(两部分)

•一个11“ x 17“战斗显示垫&#10&• 75张卡

• 98厚,双面,多形游戏&&10;•一个双面球员援助

•一个蓝色(议会)6面裸体&公牛一个红色(皇家主义者)6边死亡••一个亮红色的9“ x 11 7/8“豪华纸板VPG游戏盒&#10&•一个美丽的盒盖套&#10&&一个“Wipes-A-Lot”卫生巾


A States of Siege (TM) game. This solitaire game, suitable for group and classroom cooperative game play, tells the story of the English Civil Wars (1640-53) through its key events and decision points. You attempt to stop the advance of four armies bent on destroying Parliament and Puritanism, whom you represent; simply holding on to London is not enough. Each of the three English Civil Wars are replayed through the use of separate card decks that recreate the historical military and political events that could spell doom to the Parliamentarian forces. There are civil wars going on not just in England, but in Scotland and Ireland too; and each will have varying impact on the play of the game at different times. The title comes from the purported response to the beheading of King Charles by his implacable foe, Oliver Cromwell, who remarked that this act of regicide was a “cruel necessity.” Note: Cruel Necessity is our first Gold Banner wargame to exclude a mounted map inside. Because of all the gameplay real estate in Cruel Necessity, mounting the boards using our print-on-demand publishing model would have raised the Retail Price to $55.00 (i.e., a $15 increase), and that just seemed like too much. We hope our vaunted wargame customers can soldier on with our sturdy paper maps as the great wargames of yore have long provided. What's in the box: • One full color 22-page Rulebook (Designer's Notes included) • One 22” x 17” paper game map (in two sections) • One 11” x 17” Battle Display Mat • 75 cards • 98 thick, two-sided, multi-shaped game pieces • One 2-sided player aid • One blue (Parliamentary) 6-sided die • One red (Royalist) 6-sided die • One bright red, 9" x 11 7/8" Deluxe cardboard VPG game box • One beautiful box cover sleeve • One "Wipes-A-Lot" napkin • One charcoal desiccant packet