玩家评分: 7.2


桌游极客排名: 3109

本月排名变化: 35

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 3.21 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.91



出版年份: 2002


| (Self-Published) | Z-Man Games


| Aamir Syed | Omar Syed


| Karim Chakroun


|抽象 |动物 |战斗

Arimaa,发音为“a-ree-muh”,是一个比较大的动物,像大象和骆驼的动物,将敌对的队伍中较弱的动物冻结起来并陷入陷阱,而其中一只兔子试图偷偷摸摸地走到另一边。第一个获得另一只兔子的玩家赢得了胜利。这可能听起来像一个简单的孩子们的游戏,虽然你的孩子学习和享受足够容易,但你会发现它也是一个非常深刻的游戏,可以花一生时间掌握。 Arimaa是人类历史上发明的最深刻的战略游戏之一,但设计看起来直观简单。没有两个游戏的Arimaa是一样的。有很多的学习和发现,这个直观简单但智力上具有挑战性的游戏。



历史:Arimaa是由美国印第安人计算机工程师Omar Syed发明的。 Syed受到Garry Kasparov在国际象棋计算机Deep Blue手中的失败的启发,设计出可以用标准的国际象棋套装来玩的新游戏,电脑玩起来很困难,但是对于他当时的四岁一岁的儿子阿米尔明白了。 (“Arimaa”是“Aamir”拼写反向加上初始的“a”)。在2002年,Syed向Arimaa发布了这些规则,并宣布了一年可获得10,000美元的奖金,直到2020年才能获得第一个计算机程序(运行在标准的现成硬件上)能够击败三大排名前三的人类玩家中的每一个。

Arimaa, pronounced "a-ree-muh," is a game where stronger animals like elephants and camels freeze, push, and pull the weaker ones from the opposing team around and into traps, while one of the rabbits tries to sneak across the board and harmlessly reach the other side. The first player to get one of their rabbits to the other side wins. This may sound like a simple kids' game, and while it is easy enough for your kids to learn and enjoy, you will find that it is also a very deep game that can take a lifetime to master. Arimaa is one of the deepest strategy games ever invented in the history of mankind, but designed to look intuitively simple. No two games of Arimaa are ever the same. There is much to learn and discover about this intuitively simple, yet intellectually challenging, game. Played on an 8x8 grid with four trap squares and 32 animal pieces (16 gold and 16 silver). Each player has an elephant, a camel, 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 8 rabbits. Strength hierarchy: Elephant > Camel > Horse > Dog > Cat > Rabbit. The game begins with an empty board. Gold places the sixteen gold pieces first in any configuration on the first and second ranks. Silver then places the sixteen silver pieces in any configuration on seventh and eighth ranks. Then gold moves its pieces first. A player can move up to four "steps" each turn. All pieces move orthogonally. History: Arimaa was invented by Omar Syed, an Indian-American computer engineer trained in artificial intelligence. Syed was inspired by Garry Kasparov's defeat at the hands of the chess computer Deep Blue to design a new game that could be played with a standard chess set, would be difficult for computers to play well, but would have rules simple enough for his then four-year-old son Aamir to understand. ("Arimaa" is "Aamir" spelled backwards plus an initial "a"). In 2002, Syed published the rules to Arimaa and announced a $10,000 prize, available annually until 2020, for the first computer program (running on standard, off-the-shelf hardware) able to defeat each of three top-ranked human players in a three-game series.