玩家评分: 6.5

The Great Fire of London 1666

桌游极客排名: 2873

本月排名变化: 18

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 80-120 分钟

难度: 2.55 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.95



出版年份: 2010


| MYBG(尚未发行)(中文)


| Richard Denning


| Andreas Resch



1666年9月2日星期日,国王面包师托马斯·法瑞纳(Thomas Farriner)忘了在他的店里放下炉火。这种简单的疏忽行为造成了一座高耸而致命的地狱,最终将毁灭13000座房屋,并将近90%的城市人口匮乏和无家可归。“你不是简单的旁观者这个悲剧;伦敦的未来在于你的手中。在“1666年伦敦大火”中,球员是拥有伦敦财产和财富的人。市长没有采取行动,因为这些强大的人们要领导训练有素的民兵组织打火,拯救城市。要做到这一点,他们必须决定哪个地区要牺牲火,哪些地方要保护。记住,这些同样的人在伦敦拥有很多,所以这样的选择将塑造自己的未来,并且极大地影响他们的财富和地位。“使用训练有素的乐队来压制火和爆炸物来摧毁住房的块造成火灾并防止其蔓延。你是否选择保护自己的家园,视而不见,让火消耗对手的财产?或者你会站在伦敦的英雄,并选择尽可能多地保存这个城市吗?



On Sunday September 2, 1666, Thomas Farriner, the baker to the King, forgot to put out the hearth fire in his shop. This simple act of negligence created a towering and lethal inferno which would eventually destroy 13,000 houses and leave nearly 90 percent of the city's population destitute and homeless... You are no simple bystander to this tragedy; the future of London lies in your hands. In The Great Fire of London 1666, the players are men of wealth and standing who own property around London. The Lord Mayor has failed to act and it is down to these mighty men to lead trained bands of militia to fight the fire and save the city. To do so they must decide which districts to sacrifice to the fire and which to protect. Remember, these same men own much of London, thus such choices will shape their own future and greatly affect their wealth and standing. Use the trained bands to suppress the fire and explosives to destroy blocks of housing to create fire breaks and prevent its spread. Do you choose to protect your own homes, turning a blind eye and allowing the fire to consume your rival's property? Or will you stand as the hero of London, and choose to save as much of the city as possible? Victory can belong to the player with the most property left after the ashes settle, but stopping the fire and saving London's most famous landmarks may win a more altruistic land owner the hearts and minds of the people. Save the city, or watch it burn.