玩家评分: 7.1

Soviet Dawn: The Russian Civil War, 1918-1921

桌游极客排名: 3779

本月排名变化: 50

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 1 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 25-60 分钟

难度: 1.67 (毛线)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.82



出版年份: 2009


| RBM Studio | Victory Point Games


| Darin A. Leviloff


| Tim Allen | Knut Grünitz | Rodger B. MacGowan


|内战 |战争

苏黎世黎明带来了Darin Leviloff的小说国家的Siege(TM)游戏系统(介绍在VPG的以色列独立),从1918年到1921年的俄罗斯内战的一个更大的讲故事的冒险回来。几个敌人“前线”融合在莫斯科,革命的命运和国际共产主义的声望取决于你管理和解决“白人”的每一个危机的能力。可以攻击你。随着标题的展开,你利用军事和政治资源来帮助你,或者试图重组红军的特殊能力,可以大大提高你的地位。谁知道?你甚至可以夺取帝国黄金储备!你能应付当时的巨大危机,捍卫革命吗?你会退出大战(WW1)还是行使布哈林选择权?你能否及时执行沙皇,还是白宫拯救他?你会强化彼得格勒还是把你的攻势压回家?你将如何处理内外异议?玩苏维埃黎明,看看!


16色,模切5/8“安装游戏件“12颜色,模切3/4”标题“&”卡片11“ x 17“彩色游戏地图

Play +设计师的详细示例


&# 10;苏联黎明常见问题解答常见的规则问题。

Soviet Dawn brings Darin Leviloff’s novel States of Siege(TM) game system (introduced in VPG’s Israeli Independence) back for a much larger storytelling adventure covering the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921. With several enemy "Fronts" converging on Moscow, the fate of the revolution and the prestige of international communism rests on your ability to manage and resolve every crisis that the "Whites" can assail you with. As the headlines unfold, you draw upon military and political resources to help you, or try to reorganize the Red Army for special abilities that can greatly enhance your position. Who knows? You might even capture the Imperial Gold Reserve! Can you deal with the great crises of that time and defend the revolution? Will you withdraw from the Great War (WW1) or exercise the Bukharin Option and fight on? Can you execute the Czar in time, or will the Whites rescue him? Will you fortify Petrograd or press your offensives home? How will you deal with internal and external dissent? Play Soviet Dawn and see! Game Components: One 8-page, color Game Rules booklet 16 color, die-cut 5/8" mounted game pieces 12 color, die-cut 3/4" mounted game pieces 48 ‘Headline’ cards One 11" x 17" color game map Detailed Example of Play + Designer’s Notes Scale: Each unit is one anti-communist Front, and each turn is a few weeks of real time. Soviet Dawn FAQ answers common rule questions.