GAME DESCRIPTION Moneywise is an exciting, fast-paced introduction to the investment world. As you try to build your fortune, you will be faced with a wide range of investment options -- some relatively safe, others risky but potentially more rewarding. Whatever investments you choose will be affected, favorably or unfavorably, by the economic climate -- which rarely remains stable for long. To be successful, you'll need a combination of good judgment and good luck, as you try to make the most of your investment opportunities through changing economic times. EQUIPMENT Board 225 green investment tokens, consisting of the following: 25 each of Stocks, Bonds, and Savings; 20 each of Gold, Insurance, and Real Estate; 15 each of Mutual Funds, T-Bills, Collectibles, Financial Planning, Commodities, and Horses Deck of 24 Economic Times cards Deck of 22 Wild cards Deck of 10 Revenue Canada cards Play Money (20 $500 bills, 30 $1,000's, 20 $5,000's, 20 $10,000's, and 20 $50,000's) 4 pawns 2 dice Rules sheet "Moneywise magazine" containing a glossary of financial terms and a profile of the companies appearing on the board [Text from the included rules booklet] IMPRESSION Educational economic/stock holding game endorsed by the Financial Post featuring real Canadian businesses.