玩家评分: 7.8

Star Trek: Ascendancy

桌游极客排名: 629

本月排名变化: 5

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 3 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 3.16 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 6.85


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2016


| Gale Force Nine, LLC | Heidelberger Spieleverlag


| Aaron Dill | John Kovaleski | Sean Sweigart


| Katie Dillon | Charles Woods

大胆走到没有人去过的地方。在星际迷航:Ascendancy—联合行星协会,克林贡帝国和罗曼兰帝国之间的探索,扩张和冲突的棋盘游戏。您可以控制银河的伟大文明,从家庭世界中脱颖而出,扩大您的影响力并发展您的文明。你会为和平和探索旅行吗,还是你走过征服和剥削之路?命令飞船,建立航天飞机,构建星座,并将其他系统置于您的旗帜下。 Star Trek:Ascendancy将星系的命运放在手中,拥有超过200个塑料微型和30颗星星系统,代表星际迷航星系中最着名的行星和位置。您;随着您的船只探索新的空间系统,遇到新的生命形式和新的文明,创造奇妙的发现,面对挑战性的障碍,这些都是从“星际迷航”五十多年历史中吸取的一个新冒险。你会勇敢的Rura Penthe的危险来收获重要的资源,竞争开发谢尔曼的星球,在你的对手掌握他们的要求之前,或者探索莫塔拉星云的奥秘,这是一个不断增长的适应性星系的地图。随着行星和星际现象的无限组合,没有两场“星际迷航”游戏:Ascendancy将永远都是一样的!

Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization. Will you journey for peace and exploration, or will you travel the path of conquest and exploitation? Command starships, establish space lanes, construct starbases, and bring other systems under your banner. With more than 200 plastic miniatures and 30 star systems representing some of the Star Trek galaxy's most notable planets and locations, Star Trek: Ascendancy puts the fate of the galaxy in your hands. The great unknown lies before you; with every turn is a new adventure as your ships explore new space systems, encounter new life forms and new civilizations, make wondrous discoveries, and face challenging obstacles, all drawn from the vast fifty year history of Star Trek. Will you brave the hazards of Rura Penthe to harvest vital resources, race to develop Sherman's Planet before your rivals stake their claim, or explore the mysteries of the Mutara Nebula on an ever-growing, adaptive map of the galaxy. With an infinite combination of planets and interstellar phenomena, no two games of Star Trek: Ascendancy will ever play the same!