玩家评分: 7.6


桌游极客排名: 1276

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 7.6

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 45-60 分钟

难度: 2.49 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.45


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2015


| ASYNCRON games | Modiphius Entertainment


| Matt Leacock


| Graham Bleathman | Michal E. Cross | Shigeru Komatsuzaki


|冒险 |电影/电视 |科幻


&#10 ;雷诺鸟在2065年,追随国际救援的秘密组织,这是一个致力于拯救人类生命的秘密组织,该组织以百万富翁特蕾西家族的秘密建立和资助,座右铭:“不要以任何代价!国际救援队有一大堆技术先进的陆上,海上,空中和太空救援车辆和设备,随时可以发射。



标志性的雷鸟是由特雷西家人的亲密朋友“大脑”并分配给每个五个特雷西兄弟:“雷鸟1”,由Scott Tracy&ndash驾驶;用于快速反应和救援区域侦察的超音速火箭飞机,以及作为移动控制基地。 - Thunderbird 2,由Virgil Tracy&ndash驾驶;一架超音速垂直起降运输机,将主要的救援设备运送到可拆卸的荚中。雷鸟3由Alan Tracy&ndash驾驶;一个单级,垂直发射的航天器 - 雷鸟4,由戈登·特雷西– Thunderbird 2“雷鸟5”由John Tracy&ndash负责发射,用于水下救援的实用潜水器;一个位于地球静止轨道上的空间站,监测来自全球各地的帮助的呼叫。最后,Penelope女士拥有标志性的FAB 1,由Parker&ndash驱动;一只粉红色的水陆两用车。雷鸟是由Gerry和Sylvia Anderson创立的20世纪60年代英国科幻小说电视系列。它是使用木偶木偶和尺度模型特效的组合制成的,被称​​为“超霸”。制作了两个系列,共有32个50分钟的剧集,以及两部使用相同技术的电影。玩家将使用雷鸟角色和车辆共同完成救援任务并节省当天。

The co-operative game Thunderbirds, released in 2015 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the cult hit TV show, features the iconic Thunderbirds machines and a high-octane world full of disasters and victims for players to rescue. Set in the year 2065, Thunderbirds follows the exploits of International Rescue, a secret organization committed to saving human life, secretly founded and funded by the millionaire Tracy family, with the motto: ‘Never give in, at any cost!’ International Rescue has a host of technologically advanced land-, sea-, air-, and space-rescue vehicles and equipment ready to launch at a moment’s notice. Racing to the rescue from a secret island base beneath the luxurious home of the Tracy family somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean, International Rescue defies government spies and criminals who want the secrets of their incredible machines for their own. To combat this threat, Lady Penelope, the Thunderbirds’ aristocratic English secret agent, and her chauffeur Parker lead a network of agents to uncover those behind the disasters caused by deliberate sabotage. A criminal mastermind known as “The Hood”, operating from a temple deep in the Malaysian jungle and in possession of strange powers, often engineers events to allow him to spy on the Thunderbird machines with the goal of selling their secrets to the highest bidder. The iconic Thunderbirds are designed by the Tracy family’s close friend “Brains” and are assigned to each of the five Tracy brothers: - Thunderbird 1, piloted by Scott Tracy – a hypersonic rocket plane used for fast response and rescue-zone reconnaissance, and as a mobile control base. - Thunderbird 2, piloted by Virgil Tracy – a supersonic VTOL carrier which transports their major rescue equipment in detachable pods. - Thunderbird 3, piloted by Alan Tracy – a single-stage, vertically launched spacecraft - Thunderbird 4, piloted by Gordon Tracy – a utility submersible for underwater rescue, launched from Thunderbird 2 - Thunderbird 5, manned by John Tracy – a space station in geo-stationary orbit that monitors calls for help from across Earth. Finally, Lady Penelope has the iconic FAB 1, driven by Parker – a pink, amphibious car. Thunderbirds is a cult 1960s British science-fiction television series, created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. It was produced using a combination of marionette puppetry and scale-model special effects, which was dubbed “Supermarionation”. Two series, totaling thirty-two 50-minute episodes, were produced, along with two films using the same techniques. Players will work together using Thunderbirds characters and vehicles to complete rescue missions and save the day.