玩家评分: 7.1

Dead Men Tell No Tales

桌游极客排名: 1142

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 60-75 分钟

难度: 2.52 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.51



出版年份: 2015


| Minion Games | All In Games | Delight


| Kane Klenko


| Jason D. Kingsley | Chris Ostrowski


|探险 |梦幻 |战斗 |航海 |海盗


死人告诉No Tales是一个2-5人的合作游戏。该游戏使用常见的动作点系统来确定玩家在轮到时做了什么。随着玩家合作,他们可以将他们的操作传递给他们的队友,以最好地利用他们拥有的资产。玩家将在玩的时候建立棋盘,确保不会有两场比赛。当他们在船上寻找宝藏时,他们将遇到敌人和守卫,他们必须战斗,以及各种项目,将帮助他们的追求。所有的时间,与战斗的地狱,当他们接管船造成的。跟踪火灾,敌人运动和玩家疲劳的独特系统都融入了一个有趣和独特的合作游戏体验。你和你的船员有什么需要让所有的宝藏和活着讲故事?或者你是在死亡的男人告诉没有传说中的船吗?

Skelit's Revenge....the most feared ship on the high seas....and you've finally taken it. Captain Fromm and his skeleton crew have amassed a massive treasure, and now is your chance to take it all. Players take on the role of Pirates who are boarding Skelit's Revenge for one purpose....to take the loot. They must battle the flames, the skeleton crew, and their own fatigue if they hope to make it out alive. Dead Men Tell No Tales is a co-operative game for 2-5 players. The game uses the common Action Point system to determine what a player does on their turn...with a twist. As players work together, they can pass their Actions on to their teammates in order to best utilize the assets that they have. Players will build the board as they play, ensuring that no two games will ever be alike. As they search the ship for the Treasure, they will encounter Enemies and Guards that they must battle, along with various items that will help them in their quest. all the while, battling the inferno that resulted when they took over the ship. Unique systems for tracking fire, enemy movement, and a player’s fatigue all combine into an interesting and unique cooperative gaming experience. Do you and your crew have what it takes to make off with all of the treasure and live to tell the story? Or are you going down with the ship in Dead Men Tell No Tales?