玩家评分: 6.7

Fortress America

桌游极客排名: 2029

本月排名变化: 16

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 2.64 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.14



出版年份: 1986


| Milton Bradley


| Michael Gray


| 暂缺


|科幻 |战争


|区域移动 |骰子驱动 |模拟

Fortress America原本是Milton Bradley的Gamemaster系列的一部分,描绘了世界各地的所有攻击和入侵美国大陆的替代性近期。从西方来到亚洲的敌人;从南方到达南美洲国家通过墨西哥的联盟,从东部地区来到接管了所有欧洲的苏维埃军团。被围困的美国必须依靠剩余的地面和空军与党派起义一起捍卫妈妈的苹果派。“#10;最多四名玩家可以发挥美国堡垒,一名球员是美国和上到另外三个人从特定方向控制入侵单位。作为近期的场景,比赛中的单位包括传统的步兵,美军,霍克潘克,直升机,轰炸机,美国党派单位以及特别的“星球大战”激光继电器系统从太空发射。





Fortress America, originally part of Milton Bradley's Gamemaster series, depicts an alternate near-future in which all of the world attacks and invades the continental United States. From the west arrives hordes of Asian foes; from the south arrives a union of South American countries through Mexico, and from the east lands come legions of Soviets who have taken over all of Europe. America besieged has to rely on the remaining ground and air forces left in the country along with partisan uprisings to defend mom's apple pie. Up to four players can play Fortress America, one player being the U.S. and up to three others controlling the invading units from a particular direction. Being a near future scenario, the units in the game include conventional infantry, APCs, hovertanks, helicopters, bombers, US partisan units, and special "Star Wars" laser relay systems that fire from space. The game emphasizes combined arms in that players receive a bonus if infantry, mechanized, and air power are all used in a conflict. For the invading countries, all the units they receive for the game are given at the start so they must manage them wisely. The U.S., however, starts with a skeleton defense and builds up throughout the game through a random deck of cards. Further, the U.S. slowly builds up its Star Wars system, so the longer the invaders are delayed, the more powerful the U.S. becomes both conventionally and through its defense system. Reimplemented by: Fortress America (2012)