玩家评分: 6.8



Terror in Meeple City

桌游极客排名: 1102

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 1.48 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.54



出版年份: 2013


| Repos Production


| Antoine Bauza | Ludovic Maublanc


| Pierô


|动作 |恐怖


Meeple City的建筑物包括地砖和meeples,meeples作为支柱的支柱。城市八个街区的四辆木制车辆都在地面上。每个怪物,由一个木制的爪子盘和一个木质的身体组成,从游戏板的一个角落开始。轮到你从四种可能性中采取两个动作,如果需要,重复一个动作:


怪物在吃饭时往往很乱,但是,如果你把城市板敲掉,你可能会因为放弃食物而浪费钱,或者让其他玩家采取额外的行动。在你的两个动作之后,你可以在附近的地面上吃不受保护的meeples,但你可以吃的只有你拥有的牙齿数量。如果你再敲一个怪物到地面上,你就会脱掉一根牙齿,从而使它不要偷你的食物! Meeples有六种颜色,颜色代表不同类型的居民:蓝色(记者),绿色(军事),黄色(金色),灰色(老年人),红色(英雄)和黑色(商人)。对于您收集的每一组六个你在胃里,你在比赛结束时得分10分。你也可以收集地板和牙齿的积分,你也可以为你的角色卡实现目标而得分。


Meeple City的恐怖包括在过程中发展的怪物规则游戏,这些失败的meeples不是在集合,并且想要组合两个游戏板,以允许玩多达八个玩家

In Terror in Meeple City (formerly known as Rampage), you arrive in Meeple City as a gigantic, famished, scaly-skinned monster! Your goal: Dig your claws and dirty paws into the asphalt, destroy buildings, and devour innocent meeples – in short: sow terror while having fun. The monster who has caused the most damage after the carnage finally ends wins the game. The buildings in Meeple City are comprised of floor tiles and meeples, with the meeples serving as pillars that support the floors. Four wooden vehicles are on the ground in the eight neighborhoods in the city. Each monster, which consists of a wooden paws disc and a wooden body, starts in one corner of the game board. On a turn you take two actions from four possibilities, repeating an action if desired: Move: Pick up your monster body, flick the paws disc, then place the body back on the disc. Demolish: If your paws are on the sidewalk surrounding a building, you can pick up your monster body, drop it onto a building, then collect any floors that have no meeples on them. Toss a vehicle: If you're in a neighborhood with a vehicle, you can pick up the vehicle, place it on your body, then flick the vehicle at a building or another monster. Breathe: Even while away from sidewalks with no vehicles, you can cause destruction by placing your chin on your monster's body and blowing across the board. Monsters tend to be messy when obtaining meals, but if you knock meeples off the city board, you might be punished for letting food go to waste, costing you a tooth or letting other players take an additional action. After your two actions, you can eat unprotected meeples on the ground in your neighborhood, but you can eat only as many as the number of teeth you have. If you knock another monster to the ground, you break off one of its teeth, thereby keeping it from stealing your food! Meeples come in six colors, with the colors representing different types of inhabitants: blue (journalists), green (military), yellow (blondes), grey (old people), red (heroes), and black (businessmen). For each set of six you collect in your stomach, you score 10 points at game's end. You score points for collecting floors and teeth, too, and you can also score for achieving the goal on your character card. In addition to the character card, each player has a power card and a superpower card unique to his monster, with the former lasting the entire game and the latter being a one-shot effect that's revealed only upon use. Terror in Meeple City includes rules for monsters that evolve over the course of the game, that lose points for meeples not in sets, and that want to combine two game boards to allow for play with up to eight players.