玩家评分: 5.8


桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家评分: 5.8

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 0 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+




出版年份: 1981


| The Board Game Company | Orca Games Ltd


| Nicholas Brennan | Bob Edwards


| 暂缺




|区域控制 |投骰子移动


The game is based on the energy levels within an atom, and it is played on a board representing the Periodic Table of the Elements. The squares making up the orbits are numbered according to the atomic numbers of the elements from Hydrogen (1) to radon (86). The number of counters a player has depends on the number of players. Two players have eight counters each, three players have six counters each, and four players have four counters each. Players take turns to roll both dice. The scores obtained on the dice may be used as a total, or as individual dice scores, to move the player's pieces to their best advantage. For each six thrown, the player may move one piece into play, and roll that dice again. The player does not have to move a piece into play unless he or she has no pieces in play already. The players move their pieces along the track until they complete a circuit and land directly on a jump square. When a piece lands on a jump square it is elevated to the next highest quantum level. When a piece moves up a level, the controlling player gets an extra roll of one dice. If a player's piece lands on the same square as an opponent's piece, Blatting occurs. The piece that is Blatted moves down one energy level whilst the piece doing the Blatting moves up a level. If a player's piece passes an opponents piece, Zapping occurs. The piece that is Zapped moves down one energy level, but the piece that Zapped it does not move up. A piece that is Zapped can Blat any piece that it lands on. Thus both Blatting and Zapping are subject to chain-reaction. To win the game a Quantum Jump must be achieved. This is done by having a piece positioned on the yellow flash square, situated in the fourth energy band, at the same time as there are exactly half the total available number of player-counters in play.