玩家评分: 6.4

Igel Ärgern

桌游极客排名: 3732

本月排名变化: 25

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.38 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.82



出版年份: 1990


| Doris & Frank | University Games


| Doris Matthäus | Frank Nestel


| Doris Matthäus


|动物 |儿童游戏 |骰子

字面上翻译,标题是指“刺猬激动” (或更松散地,“恼人的刺猬”),但游戏通常用英文称为“Hedgehogs in a Hurry”。这个游戏给玩家几个木盘(刺猬)放置在六排之一。在转弯期间,你滚动一个死亡,可以选择将你的任何一个羚羊左或右一列移动,然后移动任何刺猬(不一定是你的!)在你的滚动前进一个空间。但要注意黑色空间;刺猬抓到那里不能继续移动,直到他们在最后的地方。第一名获得三只四只刺猬的球员赢得了胜利。这个游戏的一些更新版本带有数十种不同的变体,以保持游戏的趣味性。

Translated literally, the title means "Hedgehog Irking" (or a bit more loosely, "Annoying the Hedgehogs"), but the game is usually referred to in English as "Hedgehogs in a Hurry." This game gives players several wooden disks (the hedgehogs) to place in one of six rows. During a turn, you roll a die, optionally move any of your hedgehogs one row left or right, then move any hedgehog (not necessarily yours!) in the row your rolled forward one space. But watch out for black spaces; hedgehogs caught there can't continue moving until they're in last place. The first player to get three of their four hedgehogs to the end of the board wins. Some later versions of this game come with dozens of different variants to keep the game interesting.