玩家评分: 7.3

1812: The Invasion of Canada

桌游极客排名: 1175

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.19 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.50



出版年份: 2012


| Academy Games, Inc. | ASYNCRON games | Schwerkraft-Verlag


| Beau Beckett | Jeph Stahl


| Jarek Nocoń | Steve Paschal

1812年 - 加拿大的入侵


美国年轻的民族对象。 1812年6月18日,美国捍卫其主权和加强其在北美的地位,美国宣布对英国发动战争。利用英军在与拿破仑的斗争中被占领,美军入侵加拿大,以驱赶英国人从其最后剩下的殖民地在北美土地上。令人惊讶的是,英国从这次袭击中退缩,现在必须面对另一个敌人的另一个敌人威胁。在1812年 - 加拿大的入侵中,玩家扮演了参与的主要派别的角色之一1812年的战争。在英国方面,这些都是由英国常规人员(Redcoats),加拿大民兵和美洲原住民代表的。美国常规军和美军民兵组成美国选手。各方的玩家将相互合作,以规划和进行运动。每一方将尝试在地图上捕获目标区域。当一个休战被召唤时,控制最敌人目标的一方胜出。

1812 - The Invasion of Canada The year is 1812. War is raging across Europe and Russia. Napoleon, emperor of France, is seeking to dominate Europe through conquest. France’s enemies, led by England, are engaged in a desperate struggle to defeat Napoleon. England, in dire need of men, is impressing men to serve in its navy. Included are Americans who are pressed into service at gunpoint. The young American nation objects. Eager to defend its sovereign rights and to strengthen its position in North America, the United States declares war on Britain on June 18, 1812. Taking advantage of the British Army being occupied in its struggles against Napoleon, American forces invade Canada in order to drive the British from its last remaining colony on North American soil. Surprised, Britain reels from the attack and now has to face another enemy threat on another front. In 1812 - The Invasion of Canada, players take on one of the roles of the major factions that took part in the War of 1812. On the British side these are represented by the British Regulars (Redcoats), Canadian Militia and Native Americans; and the American Regular Army and American Militia comprise the American players. Players for each side will cooperate with each other in order to plan and conduct their campaigns. Each side will attempt to capture Objective Areas on the map. When a truce is called, the side that controls the most enemy Objective Areas wins.