玩家评分: 7.3

Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648

桌游极客排名: 2178

本月排名变化: 19

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 240-480 分钟

难度: 4.24 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.10



出版年份: 2004


| Phalanx Games B.V.


| Francis Tresham


| Franz Vohwinkel


|布阵 |政治 |文艺复兴 |战争

(来自Phalanx Games:)

革命:荷兰革命模拟了西班牙和荷兰之间的八十年战争。这场史诗斗争始于1568年至1648年,最终为荷兰和北方省份带来独立。在南方,反抗并不成功,比利时直到拿破仑时代才成立为独立国家。在斗争的初期阶段,奥兰治威廉(William)成为自由的象征。他的主要对手是西班牙国王菲利普二世,他在阿尔巴公爵与强大的征服者一起派出,以制止叛乱。“革命”描绘了许多方面的权力斗争。每个玩家代表涉及的主要派系之一:天主教徒,哈布斯堡,贵族,勃列黑和革新者。每个派别都有其特定的目标,这通常是部分常见的。虽然派系有时可能会合作,但如果情况需要,他们不是很长时间,很容易相互打交道。“从历史上看,有些时期是公开的战争和其他不安的和平时期。改革派逐渐变得更加成熟,特别是在北部和沿海地区。曾经是最高的哈布斯堡军队通过一系列的围困战争慢慢地从这些地区驱赶出去。 1588年由荷兰/英国联合舰队组建的强大的Armada战胜了西班牙人。天主教徒最终被允许保留一些他们的影响力,而当地的贵族,最初是天主教,但与当地的同情,成功或失败,根据他们愿意接受变化的情况。

这个游戏不是一个详细的军事再制定八十年战争。它尝试在更广泛的意义上捕捉这些有趣时代的味道。它包含战争形式的战争要素,但主要依靠经济,宗教和政治控制。由临时联盟造成的权力不断变化的平衡使得革命成为一场非常具有挑战性的游戏,而不是为了微弱的内心。需要聪明和及时地利用现有资源,包括外国同情者和盟友的资源,以达到最终的成功。“革命:荷兰革命已经超过15年,并且标志着弗朗西斯·特雷沙姆的长期 - 回到游戏设计的前沿。他最受欢迎的棋盘游戏文明和1829年最有名气。革命:荷兰革命包括1个大型棋盘,41张扑克牌,416个彩色游戏作品(5种颜色中的56种资源,每个颜色有8个军队,47个中立片,3个水乞丐,每个颜色1个VP标记,1个游戏转向标记和40个状态标记),1个玩家援助卡和1个规则手册

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(from Phalanx Games:) Revolution: The Dutch Revolt simulates the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Netherlands. This epic struggle lasted from 1568 until 1648 and eventually brought independence to Holland and the northern provinces. In the south, the revolt was less successful and Belgium did not emerge as an independent state until after the Napoleonic era. During the initial stages of the struggle, William of Orange became the symbol of freedom. His main adversary was the Spanish King Philip II, who sent in the Duke of Alba with his formidable conquistadores to stop the rebellion. Revolution depicts a power struggle with many facets. Each player represents one of the principal factions involved: the Catholics, Habsburgs, Nobility, Burghers and Reformers. Each faction has its particular goals, which are often partly common. Although factions may sometimes co-operate, they are not allies for long and easily turn on each other if the situation calls for this. Historically, there were periods of open warfare and others of uneasy peace. The reforming factions gradually became more established, particularly in the north and along the coast. The once supreme Habsburg armies were slowly driven out of these areas through a series of siege battles. The defeat of the mighty Armada by a combined Dutch/English fleet in 1588 cost the Spaniards dearly. The Catholics were eventually allowed to retain some of their influence, while the local Nobility, initially catholic but with local sympathies, succeeded or failed according to their willingness to accept the changed circumstances. This game is not a detailed military re-enactment of the Eighty Years' War. It tries to capture the flavor of these interesting times in a much broader sense. It contains an element of warfare in the form of battles and sieges but the main theme is built on economic, religious and political control. The constantly shifting balance of power, caused by temporary alliances, makes Revolution an immensely challenging game, and not for the faint-hearted. Clever and timely use of available resources, including those of foreign sympathizers and allies, is needed to achieve ultimate success. Revolution: The Dutch Revolt was more than 15 years in the making, and marks Francis Tresham's long-awaited return to the forefront of game design. He is most famous for his widely acclaimed board games Civilization and 1829. Revolution: The Dutch Revolt includes 1 large gameboard, 41 playing cards, 416 colorful game pieces (56 resource pieces in each of 5 colors, 8 army pieces in each of 5 colors, 47 neutral pieces, 3 water beggars, 1 VP marker for each color, 1 game turn marker and 40 status markers), 1 player aid card and 1 rules booklet.