玩家评分: 7.6

Andean Abyss

桌游极客排名: 1153

本月排名变化: 7

玩家评分: 7.6

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 3.78 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.51



出版年份: 2012


| GMT Games


| Volko Ruhnke


| Xavier Carrascosa | Charles Kibler | Rodger B. MacGowan


|现代战争 |政治 |战争




安第斯深渊提供多达4名玩家具有对比的角色和重要的胜利条件进行丰富的外交互动。对于2-或3-玩家游戏,玩家可以代表派系联盟,或者游戏系统可以控制非玩家派系。也可以是哥伦比亚政府的单身球员,可以坐在左派的哥伦比亚革命武装力量,右翼的AUC和贩毒卡特尔。非玩家的叛乱分子将会相互战斗,也可以与玩家进行战斗,但是任何一方的手中都有太多的权力意味着玩家的失败。“# #10;安第斯深渊提供了一个现代叛乱的游戏系统,容易适应其他冲突,特别是那些与许多方面(因此我们新的COunterINsurgurg系列)相互作用的冲突。游击战争历史悠久,历史不足。 GMT COIN系列卷二是古巴自由的卡斯特罗的叛乱1957-1958,第三卷是阿富汗的一个遥远的平原叛乱,第四卷是在越南的火葬€””””

时间尺度: #10;玩家人数:1-4(完整纸牌系统)

设计师:Volko Ruhnke

开发商:Joel Toppen

MAP和卡片艺术:Chechu Nieto

Chechu Nieto& Xavier Carrascosa


(from GMT website:) Colombia: Nation at the Edge of Abyss Colombia in the 1990s hosted one of the world’s last Marxist guerrilla armies, brutal drug lords, and right-wing death squads and appeared close to failing as a state. A decade later, its Marxists had lost their top leaders and rural sanctuary, its big drug bosses were dead or in prison, and its paramilitaries were negotiating demobilization. The Government had extended its writ to most of the countryside, restored its popularity, and improved the economy and respect for human rights. Andean Abyss takes 1 to 4 players into this multifaceted campaign for control of Colombia: guerrillas and police, kidnapping and drug war, military sweeps and terror. Each of four factions deploys distinct capabilities and tactics to influence Colombian affairs and achieve differing goals. Players place and maneuver 160 wooden pieces across a colorful map and exploit event cards that cannot be fully predicted. Accessible mechanics and components put the emphasis on game play, but Andean Abyss also provides an engrossing model of insurgency and counterinsurgency in Colombia—smoothly accounting for population control, lines of communication, terrain, intelligence, foreign aid, sanctuaries, and a host of other political, military, and economic factors. A New Kind of Card-Assisted Wargame From the award-winning designer of Wilderness War and Labyrinth, Andean Abyss features unique mechanics relating events and operations that guarantee difficult player decisions with each card flip. Most of the game’s 72 events are dual-use, representing alternative historical paths: players can choose either version of the event or from an array of operations and special faction activities. Every choice has implications for how the next card will be played. There is no hand management: the focus is on the map and on planning for the foreseeable—and the unforeseeable. Die rolls are only a small part of game: the key to victory is not luck but the ability to organize the most effective campaign. Multiplayer, 2-Player, Solitaire Andean Abyss provides up to 4 players with contrasting roles and overlapping victory conditions for rich diplomatic interaction. For 2- or 3-player games, players can represent alliances of factions, or the game system can control non-player factions . Or a single player as the Colombian Government can take on the leftist FARC, the right-wing AUC, and the narco-trafficking cartels. The non-player insurgents will fight one another as well as the players, but too much power in the hands of any one of them will mean player defeat. Series: COIN (GMT), Volume I Andean Abyss presents a game system on modern insurgency readily adaptable to other conflicts, particularly those featuring the interaction of many sides (thus our new COunterINsurgency series). A rich and under-represented history of guerrilla warfare beckons. Series: COIN (GMT) Volume II is Cuba Libre—Castro's Insurgency 1957-1958, Volume III is A Distant Plain—Insurgency in Afghanistan, and Volume IV is Fire in the Lake—Insurgency in Vietnam. TIME SCALE: multiple years per Propaganda round MAP SCALE: Area Movement UNIT SCALE: Varies NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1-4 (full solitaire system) DESIGNER: Volko Ruhnke DEVELOPER: Joel Toppen MAP and CARD ART: Chechu Nieto COUNTER ART: Chechu Nieto & Xavier Carrascosa The first edition does not include a bot to play the Government faction. The second edition added a government bot. See the Versions tab for more details.