玩家评分: 5.2

Payoff Machine

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家评分: 5.2

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1 (毛线)

适合年龄: 7+




出版年份: 1978


| Ideal


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺


|动作 |儿童游戏




A pure luck game. Players take turns dropping different colored marbles worth different point values into the machine. Then they are allowed to turn the tumblers that many times. Any marbles that fall out are collected. First player to get 25 points or last player with any marbles wins! Game includes 42 black, 8 white, 2 red marbles. From the back of the box: Object: Be the first player to get balls worth 25 points out of the Payoff Machine. It's your turn. You decide to drop one white and two black balls into the machine. That's 7 points and seven twists of the tumblers. Out drop six black balls and one white ball - that's 11 points. You've gained four points. From the rules: PLAY Point Value: Each black ball is worth 1 point, each white ball is worth 5 points,and each red ball is worth 10 points. To start the game, each player receives 1 white and 5 black balls for a total of 10 points. The rest of the balls are placed in the holes on top of the cap. One red ball is the last to be put in the machine. The other red ball is a spare. Some of the balls may not go all the way down into the filled holes and will stick out slightly from the top. This is all right. A player is chosen to go first. He takes his turn. Then play passes to the left. On his turn a player tries to collect more balls and points then he puts into the machine. He may place 1 or as many as 10 points worth of balls into the machine. For each point, he must make one move. A move means turning and of the grooved tumblers (only the grooved tumblers are moveable) in either direction, until a 'click' is felt. A player may move any of the 3 tumblers in any order he wannts.