玩家评分: 7.7

BattleCON: War of Indines

桌游极客排名: 1141

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 15-60 分钟

难度: 2.76 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 9+

专业评分: 6.51



出版年份: 2010


| Level 99 Games


| D. Brad Talton, Jr.


| Víctor Pérez Corbella | Fábio Fontes | Jen Frichot


|卡牌游戏 |战斗 |即印即玩




&#10 ; ______________________________________________________________________________

BattleCON:Indines战争有两个版本,现在被称为“经典”和“Remastered”。 “经典”版本包含多种艺术风格,不同的战士由不同的艺术家画画。该版本包含多个错误和过时的卡,现在已经永久地停止打印。“新修复的”版本具有相同的18架战机,但更新,以匹配统一的艺术风格的毁灭性的印度尼西亚。它还包括几台战机的平衡变化,新的双面装订器,更新的艺术和组件,以及专注于标准双人游戏的规则手册的精简版本。包含在“经典”在“Remastered”中被删除仍然存在于破坏规则手册和其他扩展中。

BattleCON is a fast-paced head to head card game for 2 players, based loosely around the mechanics and tactics present in 2D fighting games. In BattleCON, players choose characters with unique abilities and powers to test against one another in a battle of tactics, strategy, and intuition. BattleCON: War of Indines is a standalone dueling card game designed for head-to-head play. Each player selects a character who uses a unique gameplay mechanism to give them an edge in combat. Take control of 18 different characters, from a fire elemental, an ocean guardian and her panda familiar, a space-bending trapper, a shadowy assassin, and more! Each character's play style requires new strategies, but uses the same foundational tactics, making a new character easy to learn, but challenging to master. Players move along a seven-space-long board, trading blows and attempting to strike the opponent, using attacks formed by combining a character's unique styles and abilities with a set of basic cards that all characters share. There is no hidden information: you always know exactly what cards the opponent holds, just not the ones they'll choose! The last player standing wins! BattleCON: War of Indines can be played on its own or combined with other BattleCON sets to create an even greater pool of characters and play variants. ______________________________________________________________________________ BattleCON: War of Indines has two versions, now dubbed "Classic" and "Remastered." The "Classic" version contained multiple art styles, as different fighters were drawn by different artists. This version contains multiple errors and outdated cards, and is now permanently out of print. The new "Remastered" version features the same 18 fighters, but updated to match the uniform art style of Devastation of Indines. It also includes balance changes to a few fighters, new double-sided finishers, updated art and components, and a streamlined version of the rulebook that focuses on standard 2-player duels. The variants included with "Classic" that were removed in "Remastered" are still present in the Devastation rulebook and other expansions.