玩家评分: 7.8

Kings of War

桌游极客排名: 4382

本月排名变化: 53

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 0人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.5 (中度策略)


专业评分: 5.75


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2012


| Mantic Games


| Alessio Cavatore


| Robin Carey | Roberto Cirillo | Heath Foley


| |梦幻 |模型 |战争

战国王是Mantic Games的缩影。随着28mm幻想山脉的设计,游戏的特点是玩家围绕战场围绕战场围绕大块的小型战士进行搜寻,以寻求胜利。“战国王”是大规模战争中的一个新概念。一个游戏既容易学习又快速玩!通过几条简单的规则,几乎没有什么可以阻止乐趣和屠杀。战国王是一个富有挑战性的战略游戏,在那里你可以把你的智慧打倒在你的对手身上,而不用投入一半的大脑力量来记住大量复杂的规则。


&#10,单位被给予简单的评级,如“近战攻击','防御'和'神经',然后用特殊的能力来增强世界上不同的幻想种族的特征。在2015年,“beta”更新了规则,并发布了一个完整的规则集。缩写的规则可从Mantic的网站下载,并且从所有派系的全部军队列表中提取(约70%)也可以下载,称为“起始列表”。目前军队名单存在于精灵,矮人,人类王国(中世纪人类),巴西人(圣徒和天使的文职部队),自然力量(警察,干草和其他各种森林生物),深渊(恶魔和恶魔) ,深渊(邪恶)矮人,冰球,兽人,食人魔,暮光之城(邪恶的精灵)和亡灵的部落。 “附加派系”列表现在可以在“未知的帝国”补充:兄弟会(高中世纪和神秘的人类与元素),蝾螈(类人生蜥蜴),牧群(阿兹,好吧,野兽),大联盟(幻想文艺复兴人类和半身像),三叉戟王国Neritica(tritons / fishmen),“尘埃帝国”(aegyptian undead ...是的,来自坟墓的国王),Night-Stalker Armies(灵魂,鬼魂等),Ratkin Armies(ska ... er,清道夫)瓦郎古尔(chao tic warriors)。

Kings of War is the miniatures wargame from Mantic Games. Designed to go along with the accompanying 28mm Fantasy Ranges the game features players maneuvering large blocks of miniature soldiers around the battlefield in search of victory. Kings of War is a new concept for mass battle miniature wargaming — a game that is both easy to learn and fast to play! With few and simple rules, there is little to get in the way of the fun and slaughter. Kings of War is a challenging game of strategy, where you can pit your wits against your opponent without devoting half of your brain power to remember a plethora of convoluted rules. And that’s not all, the innovative turn structure allows you to play Kings of War using a time-keeping tool (like a stopwatch or a chess clock) to time your moves. As the seconds tick away, the pressure and excitement this adds makes 'Kings of War' unlike any other large-scale wargame you’ve ever played before. Units are given simple ratings such as 'Melee Attack', 'Defense' and 'Nerve' and then augmented with special abilities that characterize the different fantasy races that inhabit the world. In 2015, the "beta" rules were updated and a full ruleset was released. Abbreviated rules are downloadable from Mantic's website, and extracts (about 70%) from the full army lists for all factions are also available for download, called "starter lists". Currently army lists exist for Elves, Dwarves, Kingdoms of Men (medieval humans), Basileans (clerical army with saints and angels), Forces of Nature (Treemen, Dryads and other assorted forest creatures), Forces of the Abyss (devils and demons), Abyssal (evil) Dwarves, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Twilight Kin (evil elves) and the Undead hordes. Additional factions lists are now available in the "Uncharted Empires" supplement: The Brotherhood (high medieval and mystical humans with elementals), Salamander (humanoid lizards), The Herd (satyrs... ok: beast-men), The League of Rhordia (fantasy renaissance humans and halflings), The Trident Realms of Neritica (tritons/ fishmen), The Empire of Dust (aegyptian undead... yes, kings from tombs), Night-Stalker Armies (spirits, ghosts and the like), Ratkin Armies (ska... er, scavenger ratmen) and the Varangur (chao...tic warriors).