玩家评分: 6.7

Maka Bana

桌游极客排名: 3599

本月排名变化: 19

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45-60 分钟

难度: 2.03 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.84



出版年份: 2003


| Arclight | IELLO | Kaissa Chess & Games


| François Haffner


| Johann Aumaitre | David Cochard | Jérémie Fleury


|哄骗 |卡牌游戏 |城市建设

游戏的目标是将您的小屋带到美丽的岛上马卡巴纳(Maka Bana)上。因此,你有11张地形(4),一个符号(4)和海滩(3)的名字。可以通过三张卡的组合来识别板上的每个空格。这些都是一面朝上两面朝下。目的是获得最多的分数。一个独立小屋可以得到1分。如果你有相邻空间的小屋,你会得到更多的。你有一个TIKI(雕像)让你的对手陷入麻烦。你可以把这个放在你想要的任何空间上。如果你的对手想在那里建一个小屋:坏运气。还有两张卡,你用来改变一个小屋的颜色(使它成为你的)。游戏结束,如果一个玩家管理它将所有的小屋放在岛上,或者如果一个海滩在转弯结束时完成了小屋和/或天桥。


The goal of the game is to bring your huts for the tourist hordes down on the beautiful island Maka Bana. Therefore you have 11 cards with terrain (4), a symbol (4), and the name of the beach (3). Each space on the board can be identified with this combination of three cards. These are played one face up & two face down. The aim is to get the most points. You get 1 point for a stand-alone-hut. You get more if you have huts on adjacent spaces. You have one TIKI (statue) to bring your opponents into trouble. You can put this one on any space you want. If your opponent wants to build there a hut: Bad Luck. There are also two cards which you use to change the color of a hut (to make it yours). The game ends if one player managed it to place all his huts on the island or if one beach is complete with huts and/or tikis at the end of a turn. In the advanced rules, it is possible to legally "cheat". If you play more than three cards, you can build more huts. If you play less than three cards, you can build more easily — but to prevent some excess, there can be only one denunciation every turn, and you can only denounce another player if you cheat "less" than your opponent!