玩家评分: 6.6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game

桌游极客排名: 2565

本月排名变化: 27

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.01 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.01



出版年份: 2000


| Hasbro | Milton Bradley


| Rob Daviau | Bill Sabram | Craig Van Ness


| 暂缺


|恐怖 |电影/电视

现在由你自己帮助Buffy和她的朋友阻止Sunnydale的邪恶传播!哪个小人和他的奴才会瘟疫镇?大师?法官?市长?还是亚当?每场比赛重现了巴菲的四个令人兴奋的挑战之一:用自己的力量和技巧来炫耀他们!巡逻董事会。收集卡并获得权力。掷骰子打和施放法术。最后,摆脱邪恶的丹尼丹德赢!但不要松懈...或邪恶会先杀死你!配有游戏板,铅笔Buffy图标,阶段图中心,5 Good Player& 13邪恶的棋子和站立,84邪恶,武器,研究,帮助&人造卡,4个恶棍,4个好玩家持卡人,1个邪恶的牌架,10个骰子,10个生命柜台。


Now it's up to you to help Buffy and her friends stop the spread of Evil in Sunnydale! Which villain and his minions will plague the town? The Master? The Judge? The Mayor? Or Adam? Each game recreates one of Buffy's four most exciting challenges... use your own strength and skill to outwit them all! Patrol the board. Collect cards and gain power. Roll dice to fight and cast spells. Finally, rid Sunnydale of Evil to win! But don't slack... or Evil will slay you first! Comes with gameboard, pewter Buffy icon, Phases Chart centerpiece, 5 Good Player & 13 Evil Player pawns and stands, 84 Evil, Weapon, Research, Help & Artifact cards, 4 Villain tiles, 4 Good Player cardholders, 1 Evil card stand, 10 dice, 10 life counters. Same theme and nearly identical name, but a different game from Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game.