玩家评分: 7.1

Tales of the Arabian Nights

桌游极客排名: 2726

本月排名变化: 22

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 2.42 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.97



出版年份: 1985


| West End Games | Edition Erlkönig | Gallimard


| Brad Freeman | Eric Goldberg | Doug Kaufman | Kevin Maroney | Ken Rolston


| Larry Catalano | Stephen Crane | Ingmar Drewing


|冒险 |阿拉伯 |梦幻

此条目适用于West End Games版本和其他打印。对于2009年Z-Man游戏版本,请转到“阿拉伯之夜”的故事#


在标准游戏中,玩家是生活在1001夜宇宙的人物,漫游在地图和冒险。这些冒险是以一种段落系统设计的,玩家可以在左边看看你会发生什么,并揭露你所选择的选择,然后导致其他段落或结果。角色在冒险期间演变,获得各种进步的技能,以开辟新的选项和各种“状态” (如结婚,沮丧,诅咒等),也影响戏剧。目标是变得富有,回到巴格达。标准游戏的其他变体包括Quest游戏,这迫使你漫游地图寻找任务来实现。还有一个商人游戏,你的冒险会给你一个单独的板子上使用的箭头标记,以模拟你的大篷车的进展。

德国版,Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht,2000年出版并包含一本修订后​​的故事书以及一些额外的冒险。



This entry is for the West End Games version and other printings. For the 2009 Z-Man Games version, go to Tales of the Arabian Nights Tales of the Arabian Nights is actually several games in one. In the standard game, the players are characters living in the 1001 Nights universe, wandering about the map and having adventures. These adventures are designed in a sort of paragraph system, with the player to your left reading what happens to you and exposing the choices you have - choices that then lead to other paragraphs or outcomes. The characters evolve during their adventures, acquiring skills of various degrees of advancement to open up new options and various "statuses" (such as married, despondent, cursed, etc) which also affect play. The object is to become rich and come back to Baghdad. Other variants of the standard game include the Quest game, which forces you to roam the map looking for quests to fulfill. There's also a Merchant game, where your adventures give you arrow tokens which are used on a little separate board to simulate the progress of your caravans. The German edition, Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht, was published in 2000 and contained a revised Book of Tales along with some extra adventures. Re-implemented by: Tales of the Arabian Nights