玩家评分: 7.1

Carcassonne: The Castle

桌游极客排名: 759

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30-45 分钟

难度: 1.98 (毛线)


专业评分: 6.75



出版年份: 2003


| Hans im Glück | 999 Games | Albi


| Reiner Knizia | Klaus-Jürgen Wrede


| Roman Kucharski | Christof Tisch


|城市建设 |中世纪

卡尔卡松:城堡发生在卡尔卡松市本身。主题是“城墙”内城市的发展,这可能更适合称为城墙,但卡尔卡松:城市显然已经在发展。“这不是扩张,但是一个独立的瓦片放置游戏与卡尔卡松机械师特别适合两个玩家。目标是围绕城堡墙进行比赛,这也是比赛的得分轨迹。墙上有奖金项目,让第一名玩家达到这一点。玩具与卡尔卡松非常相似,但所有的瓷砖必须在墙壁内玩,这通常会限制选择。用于评分的追随者是道具(路径),骑士(塔楼),乡绅(房屋)和商人(如果有市场,更有价值的庭院)。而且,具有最大“保持” (游戏中完成的最大房屋)在游戏结束时为最大的连续未开发区域(未播放的瓦片空间)得分。从墙壁收集的奖励砖添加曲线到得分,例如加倍一个特定的得分结构或打分一个未完成的结构。

Carcassonne: the Castle takes place in the city of Carcassone itself. The theme is development of the city within the "castle walls", which might be more appropriately called the city walls, but Carcassonne: The City was apparently already in development. It is not an expansion, but a stand-alone tile-placement game with the Carcassonne mechanics adapted specially for two players. The goal is to lead the race around the castle wall, which is also the scoring track for the game. There are bonus items on the wall for the first player to reach that point. Play is very similar to Carcassonne but all the tiles must be played within the walls, which often constrains the choices. The followers used for scoring are heralds (on paths), knights (on towers), squires (on houses) and merchants (on courtyards which are more valuable if they have a market). And, the player with the largest "keep" (largest house completed during the game) scores points for the largest contiguous undeveloped area (unplayed tile spaces) at the end of the game. The bonus tiles collected from the walls add twists to the scoring, such as doubling one of a particular scoring structure or scoring one uncompleted structure.