玩家评分: 6.9


桌游极客排名: 2221

本月排名变化: 17

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 1.95 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.08


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2011


| Pegasus Spiele | REXhry | Stronghold Games


| Mark Chaplin


| Xavier Carrascosa | Chechu Nieto




年是1892年。忏悔泉的银行已被抢劫。许多好的公民,包括警长安东·德雷福斯和学校苏·达格特,被残酷地杀死,因为科蒂的帮派射击了他的方式,慷慨和沮丧,出来尼克·麦克雷迪上校和他的男人的任务是带着杰克·科尔蒂(Jack Colty) - 一个男人就这么意味着他会从一个盲人的蜘蛛中偷走一只苍蝇,或者从一个死人眼中偷走一枚硬币,还有他的帮派正义。


由两个平衡的62张卡牌组成,游戏在一生中或者死亡斗争一名球员扮演Ned McReady上校和他的律师,他的对手控制臭名昭着的致命的Colty帮派。

在他们的支配下,Colty帮派 - 最卑鄙的低贱狗在西方 - 有一个武器装备名册,把他们尾巴的律师放下来.38特价,.45长的小马,1866双桶的Derringers,甚至加特林的枪!来自帮派甲板的一些示例卡:切罗基侦察员,“Adios,Amigoes!”,“谢谢你的咖啡和鸡蛋,女士”和“Chew on this,Gringo!”& #10;上校球员的目标是消除所有的帮派成员,然后才能逃过墨西哥边界。他可以利用这样的卡片,如Buffalo Stampede,Rattlesnake Bite,“我可以闻到那些黄色的肚子在风中”,“他把我的帽子干净了!” Apache Scout和Rickety Bridge。

该游戏具有不对称设计,两个卡牌具有不同的卡和能力。左轮手枪是使用5列系统进行的,代表了以下战场中的连续枪战:忏悔泉,威士忌峡谷,蝙蝠点,响尾蛇溪以及来自响尾蛇车站的3:15快车。游戏是快速和嗜血的,土匪经常被枪杀,法律人士以良好的方式使用“火随意,男孩”。“许多棘手的决定必须在整个。例如,耐克球员可以选择在威士忌峡谷战役期间部署杰克逊氏族,但这将需要的资源可能会使其成为一个非常危险的但有意义的玩法。同样,McReady上校球员可以在冲突期间的任何时间部署上校 - 他可以在3:15快速列车上自由玩,但如果在Buzzard Point使用则非常昂贵。此外,在最后的对抗中,杰克·科尔蒂(Jack Colty)可以迫使火车坠毁 - 作为最后一次壕沟的努力,可能会在这个过程中杀死一些自己的船员 - 他像火炉上的爆米花一样疯狂!

&#10 ;主要是一个战斗驱动的纸牌游戏,每个玩家必须有效地管理他的牌卡,以赢得胜利。除了简单,独特的能力,每张卡还有两个价值:电力和成本。一些简单的图标用于显示“即入”效果,如果一个gringo具有“True Grit”,那么左轮手枪可以追溯到圣胡安,魔术:聚会,战斗线,是外星人的新实施:这次是战争。胜利条件:

如果他设法“逃脱墨西哥边界“。如果他们在3:15快车上达到并生存下来,那么Colty Gang玩家就会获胜。”如果Jack Colty和所有帮派成员被绞死,McReady上校的球员赢了或杀死了。如果科特斯上校在登上3:15快车之前,麦克雷德上校的球员赢了。

每个强盗特征卡都有生存等级,表明他们幸存到游戏结束。例如,Lenny和Micky Mason的生存机率很低,而Cortez的生存等级很高。此外,某些角色的死亡对游戏有非常不利的影响,例如必须丢弃卡片,或在“小猫”中。麦肯齐的情况:这个帮派必须在战场战场上再打两圈。“

Howdy, ya'll. C'mon in and sit a spell. Let me tell ya about Jack Colty and his gang, and get ya up to gallop on all the interestin' events. Those filthy drovers and gunslingers are dangerous and desperate, each one generally havin' killed a man, and be content to live on a diet of Navy plug and whiskey. I ain't never seen no queen in her damned undies, so the feller says. But I'll tell you what - after hearin' this here stupefyin' story I'm about to unfold, well, I guess you folks can make up yer own minds why I retired early. The year is 1892. The bank at Repentance Springs has been robbed. Many good citizens, including Sheriff Anton Dreyfus and school-marm Sue Daggett, were brutally slain as Colty's gang shot its way, whooping and hollering, out of town. Colonel Ned McReady and his men are tasked with bringing Jack Colty - a man so mean he'd steal a fly from a blind spider, or a coin off a dead man's eyes - and his gang to justice. Revolver is a non-collectable card game set in the Old West. Consisting of two balanced 62 card decks, the game pits two players against each other in a life or death struggle. One player takes the role of Colonel Ned McReady and his lawmen, and his opponent assumes control of the notorious and deadly Colty gang. At their disposal, the Colty gang - the meanest bunch of low down dirty dogs in the West - have a roster of weaponry to bring down the lawmen on their tail: .38 Specials, .45 Long Colts, 1866 double barrel Derringers, and even a Gatling gun! Some example cards from the gang's deck: Cherokee Scout, "Adios, Amigoes!", "Thanks for yer coffee and eggs, ma'am", and "Chew on this, Gringo!" The Colonel player's objective is to eliminate all the gang members before they can escape across the Mexican border. He can utilise such cards as Buffalo Stampede, Rattlesnake Bite, "I can smell those yellow bellies on the wind", "He shot my hat clean off!" Apache Scout, and Rickety Bridge. The game has an asymmetrical design, with both decks featuring different cards and abilities. Revolver is played using a 5-column system, representing consecutive gunfights in the following battlegrounds: The Bank at Repentance Springs, Whiskey Canyon, Buzzard Point, Rattlesnake Creek, and the 3:15 Express from Rattlesnake Station. Gameplay is quick and bloodthirsty with bandits gunned down frequently, and law-men peppered with lead by the well-placed use of "Fire at will, boys." Numerous tricky decisions must be made throughout. For instance, the Colty player could choose to deploy the Jackson Clan during the Whiskey Canyon battle, but the resources that this would require might make it a very risky, but rewarding, play. Similarly, the Colonel McReady player can deploy the Colonel at any time during the conflict - he's free to play aboard the 3:15 Express Train, but hugely expensive if used at Buzzard Point, for instance. Also, during the final confrontation, Jack Colty can force the train to crash - as a last ditch effort, probably killing some of his own crew in the process - he's as crazy as popcorn on a hot stove! Primarily a combat-driven card game, each player must manage his deck of cards effectively to win. In addition to simple, unique abilities, each card also has two values: power and cost. Some simple icons are used to display such things as 'coming-into-play' effects, and if a gringo has 'True Grit'. Revolver can trace its parentage back to San Juan, Magic: The Gathering, Battle Line, and is a new implementation of Aliens: This Time It's War. Victory Conditions: The Colty Gang player wins if he manages to "Escape across the Mexican border." The Colty Gang player wins if he reaches and survives the battle on the 3:15 Express train. The Colonel McReady player wins if Jack Colty and all the gang members are either hanged or killed. The Colonel McReady player wins if Cortez is killed before boarding the 3:15 Express train. Each bandit character card has a Survival Rating, indicating the likelihood of them surviving to the end of the game. For example, Lenny and Micky Mason have a low chance of survival, whereas Cortez has a high Survival Rating. Also, certain character's deaths have hugely detrimental effects on the game, such as having to discard a card, or in "Kittens" Mackenzie's case: the gang having to fight an extra two turns on the Rattlesnake Creek battlefield.