玩家评分: 7.3

Sword of Rome: Conquest of Italy, 362-272 BC

桌游极客排名: 1569

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 3.33 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.32



出版年份: 2004


| GMT Games


| Wray Ferrell


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|古代 |政治 |区域建设 |战争

从GMT P500网页:

罗马之剑是最新的格林威治标准版卡牌驱动的棋盘游戏。它使用由马克·赫尔曼(Mark Herman)发明的流行基础系统,并在特德·莱克斯荣耀之路中演出。这一次,事件卡和点对点机动使多达四名玩家能够重现意大利和西西里人民在公元前4和3世纪的恶性斗争。谁将主宰西方的地中海,并且拥有控制已知世界的权利?“罗马之剑”包括城市忠诚的规则和事件,罗马殖民地,部落袭击,高卢禁区,希腊围困工艺,印度战争大象,罗马和马其顿式的步兵战术,萨姆尼姆山的坚牢度等等。该游戏涵盖了超过100年的古典历史,只有9手牌。“#10;每个力量的相互作用的特殊优势,战略甲板’ 152张事件卡,最多四名玩家外交智慧提供无限多样。但规则仍然处于低中等复杂性,而且熟悉的底层系统很容易掌握。





"The Sword of Rome" is the latest in GMT’s acclaimed line of card-driven board wargames. It uses the popular base system invented by Mark Herman and featured in Ted Raicer’s Paths of Glory. This time, event cards and point-to-point maneuver enable up to four players to recreate the vicious struggles among the peoples of Italy and Sicily in 4th and 3rd Centuries BC. Who will dominate the western Mediterranean–and with it earn the right to vie for control of the known world? The Sword of Rome includes rules and events for city loyalty, Roman colonies, tribal raids, Gallic indiscipline, Greek siege craft, Indian war elephants, Roman and Macedonian-style infantry tactics, the mountain fastness of Samnium, and much, much more. The game covers over 100 years of classical history in just 9 hands of cards. The interplay of each power’s special strengths, of the strategy decks’ 152 event cards, and of up to four players’ diplomatic acumen provides unlimited variety. But the rules remain at low-moderate complexity, and the familiar, underlying system is easily mastered. Expanded by: Sword of Rome: 5th Player Expansion Sword of Rome: Deluxe Map Sword of Rome Mounted Map