玩家评分: 6.8


桌游极客排名: 2255

本月排名变化: 15

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 60-120 分钟

难度: 3.01 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.08


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2010


| Stratelibri | Fantasy Flight Games | Heidelberger Spieleverlag


| Andrea Chiarvesio | Luca Iennaco


| Antonio Dessi



你的城市生产的资源(崇拜正确的神)可以花费(崇拜其他神)来创造出各种各样的效果的建筑物(和VP),从而为游戏提供了许多不同的战略方法。胜利可以通过大量的建筑物实现,但也可以用很少的建筑物来实现。有45个不同的建筑物:33个可以由任何人建立(即使有人已经做到),而另外12个是独一无二的,因为只有一个副本可以存在(引入玩家之间的另一个竞争因素)。你也可以发动战争,偷走其他城市的资源(如果他们太愚蠢了,他们的仓库已经满满了,他们的军事不发达,就是他们应得的),或是援引一个可怕的瘟疫来摧毁他们的人口。 #10;所有的行动(发展,生产,建设,战争,打分等)都是通过崇拜适当的神(完成一些神给你一个选择,如你发展你的粮食生产力,从而获得更多的粮食下一次你会生产它,或者你现在生产,即使你不会得到太多?“,添加关键的战术决定到游戏)。

当所有的牧师已经使用,有一个简短的保养来检查一些简单的条件(例如,超过五个未使用的资源的玩家必须丢弃那些过多的资源),然后开始一个新的转弯(所有的牧师回家,所有的神都可以再次被崇拜) ;在某个领域(例如文化10)giv中率先达到最大值你是一个值得两个VP的奖项。当这些奖项中的四个被声称,游戏结束。每个玩家根据他的城市发展情况获得奖金积分,并获得最高分。“#

In the Ancient Greece, the poleis (city-states) thrived increasing their population and culture, occasionally waging war against each other, erecting buildings and celebrating ceremonies to get the favour of the deities abiding on Mount Olympus. The players will lead one of these city-states (like Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Argos and others) expanding it and worshipping the various gods in order to become the hegemonic power of the Peloponnesus! Olympus is a deterministic (i.e., non-random) strategy game, based on worker-placement, resource management and building an efficient engine to score victory points (VPs). It also features a few more aggressive options than the average game based on the same premises (but the savvy player knows how to defend against them, if he prefers to quietly develop his own position). Each player leads a city-state that is defined by six values representing population, culture, military and productivity of the three resources (grain, venison and fish). During your turn, you send one of your three priests to worship one of the ten deities (Zeus, Hera, Demetra, Artemis, Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus or Apollo). Each opponent can now send one of his priests to celebrate the ceremony with you. After that, the deity grants his favor to whoever has sent a worshipper: the favor is larger for the leading priest (the one of the active player) and smaller for all the others (for example, Athena boosts culture by two points for the city of leading priest and by one point for the others; of course no boost is given to those who refused to send a priest to worship her). That deity cannot be chosen again in the current turn. Since almost all deities are specialized in a certain field, the players must choose which ones they prefer to worship sooner (also guessing which ones may be of interest for the opponents and which ones are safer to skip as they will not be chosen until later) and when it is better to get a smaller benefit following the priest of another player rather than saving a priest to get a greater boon but in a field that may not interest them as much (sort of quality over quantity). The resources your city produces (worshipping the correct deities) can be spent (worshipping other deities) to create buildings giving a variety of effects (and VPs), thus offering a lot of different strategic approaches to the game. Victory can be achieved with a plethora of buildings but also with very few ones. There are 45 different buildings: 33 can be built by anyone (even if someone else already did), while the other 12 are unique as only one copy of each can exist (introducing another element of contention between the players). You can also wage war to steal the resources of the other cities (if they were so foolish to keep their warehouses full and their military underdeveloped, it's just what they deserve) or invoke a terrible plague to decimate their population. All the actions (development, production, building, war, scoring, etc.) are done by worshipping the proper deity (and some gods give you a choice like "do you develop your grain productivity – thus receiving more grain the next time you will produce it – or do you produce it now even if you won't get much?", adding crucial tactical decisions to the game). When all the priests have been used, there's a brief upkeep to check some simple conditions (e.g., players with more than five unused resources must discard those in excess) and then a new turn begins (all priests return home and all deities can be worshipped again). Being the first to reach the maximum value in a certain field (e.g. culture 10) gives you an award worth two VPs. When four of these awards are claimed, the game ends. Each player receives bonus points based on how developed his city is and the highest score wins.