玩家评分: 7.1

Ace of Aces: Handy Rotary Deluxe Edition

桌游极客排名: 4697

本月排名变化: 52

玩家评分: 7.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.84 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.73



出版年份: 1986


| Chessex | Emithill Ltd. | Gallimard


| Alfred Leonardi


| Christian Broutin


|飞机 | |战争 |一战

Handy Rotary Deluxe版本是原版Handy Rotary系列游戏书集的修订版。豪华版进来了一个书柜风格的盒子而不是一个手提箱。游戏书籍使用实际飞机的照片(Fokker DrI和Sopwith Camel)来描述您驾驶舱的视图。

豪华版规则印在单独的规则手册中,而不是被压入游戏书籍如以前的版本。提供了三个层次的复杂性:入门,标准和高级。还有一个广告系列游戏的规则。卡片股票游戏卡与飞机剪影作为玩具 - 这些反映了不同飞机和飞行员的能力。

The Handy Rotary Deluxe edition was a revision of the original Handy Rotary Series game book set. The Deluxe Edition came in a bookcase style box rather than a slipcase. The game books use photographs of actual aircraft (the Fokker DrI and Sopwith Camel) to depict the view from your cockpit. The Deluxe Edition rules are printed in a separate rulebook rather than being squeezed into the game books as in prior editions. Three levels of complexity are offered: Introductory, Standard and Advanced. There are also rules for a Campaign game. Card stock game cards with aircraft silhouettes serve as play aids - these reflect the capabilities of different aircraft and aces who flew them.