玩家评分: 7

Expedition: Northwest Passage

桌游极客排名: 1823

本月排名变化: 5

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.7 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.23



出版年份: 2010


| Matagot | (Web published) | Asmodee


| Yves Tourigny


| Stéphane Poinsot | Yves Tourigny


|探险 |航海

1845年,约翰富兰克林爵士率队,代表英国皇家海军,探索西北通道的最后一部分,无论费用如何。皇家海军给富兰克林两艘重型船只(HMS Terror和HMS Erebus),装有科学仪器,1000本书,128人的船员,足够的食物可以持续三年。他们五月离开英国,8月份在格陵兰西海岸遇到了捕鲸者。在那里,他们为兰开斯特之声的过境等待更有利的天气条件。一旦天气好转,他们就进入未知的水域,没有人再次听到他们的声音......他们的失踪在民意中引发了大量的动乱,许多英美考察试图找到他们的踪迹作为远征考察队的领导者:西北航道,参赛者必须冒险进入这些危险的北极水域,以便发现富兰克林的命运,并在失败之​​后成功。找西北通道。玩家将他们的船员分配在他们的船上或者雪橇上,以进行各种各样的行动,例如探索,移动或收集富兰克林考察下落的线索。


In 1845, Sir John Franklin led an expedition on behalf of the British Royal Navy to find and explore the last portion of the Northwest Passage, regardless of the cost. The Royal Navy gave Franklin two heavy Ships (HMS Terror and HMS Erebus) filled with scientific equipment, 1000 books, a crew of 128 men, and enough food to last for three years. They left England in May and encountered whalers along the west coast of Greenland in August. There, they waited for more favorable weather conditions for the crossing of the Lancaster Sound. Once the weather improved, they sailed into unknown waters, and no one ever heard from them again... Their disappearance provoked a great deal of turmoil in public opinion, and numerous British and American expeditions attempted to find their trail. As leaders of these expeditions in Expedition: Northwest Passage, players must venture into these hazardous Arctic waters in order to discover Franklin's fate and succeed where he failed – by finding the Northwest Passage. Players allocate their crewmen in their ship or in their sled to perform various actions such as exploring, moving, or gathering clues on the whereabouts of the Franklin expedition. As the game progresses, the seasons will pass and parts of the sea will be frozen, blocking the way for the ships. Players acquire victory points by gathering clues, mapping the area, and – of course – discovering the Northwest Passage. However, in order to claim victory, one has to come back home to the Greenland on time!