玩家评分: 7.7

Sweden Fights On

桌游极客排名: 4559

本月排名变化: 35

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 3.57 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.74


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2003


| GMT Games


| Ben Hull


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|布阵 |战争

瑞典战斗是一场战术战斗游戏,从三十年战争的后半段开始四次战斗。这是Musket&派克战斗系列涵盖了17世纪的战争。 1632年,国王古斯塔夫二世阿道夫逝世后,瑞典军事命运的下降,复兴和巅峰,追溯到Lü tzen。派克战斗系列从英国内战时期(这个准确的内战,第一卷)转变到三十年的战争时期,增加了特点,如混合枪,双重电池和有机团炮。系统强调指挥与控制。军队分为三,四翼。每个翼都有一个命令来限制该翼的单位可以执行的动作类型。胜利去指挥官谁可以协调这些翅膀在战斗的热的行动。单位是步兵旅,骑兵团和火炮。规则包括骑兵费用,使用骑兵手枪进行紧密战斗或使用,火炮放射火,步兵技术,包括前进,后退和打火。玩是高度互动的,一场比赛可以打一场战斗。“瑞典战斗中的四场战役是:”#10;

尽管瑞典人在国王古斯塔夫二世阿道夫逝世后挣扎着命令,但他们继续利用他所产生的势头。一个强大的瑞典军队在伯恩哈德公爵和场元帅角共同指挥下推进巴伐利亚州。哈布斯堡与Nö rdlingen的西班牙表兄弟组成部队联合,围困着新教徒的据点。瑞典人被陷入陷阱。“#10;


三十年战争的大炮。班亚尔斯特将军和扎斯菲尔德将军被一名帝国撒克逊军队切断。在一个大胆的计划中,Bané r他的数字力量分裂,并发起了双重包围。在对葡萄园山的绝望斗争中,托斯顿森将军的骑兵长达一段时间,足以让国王将军骑在帝国右侧的三角。第二届Breitenfeld 1642

田径元帅Torstensson盖上一个辉煌的运动,围困了莱比锡的皇家堡垒。大佬利奥波德指挥一个更大的帝国军队赶上了瑞典人。古斯塔夫·阿道夫从十一年过去的最大胜利看来,这个军队也相见。帝国人希望有另一个Nö rdlingen,但他们又有一个Breitenfeld。

Jankau 1645








1 11x17玩家援助卡

Sweden Fights On is a tactical battle game featuring four battles from the later half of the Thirty Years War. It is the second volume in the Musket & Pike Battle Series covering warfare in the 17th Century. This volume traces the fall, revival, and pinnacle of Swedish military fortunes after the death of King Gustav II Adolf at Lützen in 1632. The Musket & Pike Battle Series transitions from the English Civil War period (This Accursed Civil War, Vol. I) to the Thirty Years War period with added features such as limbered guns, double-sized batteries, and organic regimental artillery. The system emphasizes command and control. Armies are divided into three or four wings. Each wing has an order that limits the types of actions that units of that wing may perform. Victory goes to the commander who can coordinate the actions of these wings in the heat of battle. Units are infantry brigades, cavalry regiments, and artillery batteries. Rules include Cavalry Charges, use of the cavalry's pistols to skirmish or use in close combat, artillery grazing fire, infantry techniques of fire including advancing, retreating, and salvo firing. Play is highly interactive, and a battle can be played through in one sitting. The four battles in Sweden Fights On are: Nördlingen 1634 Though the Swedes struggled with command after the death of King Gustav II Adolf, they continued to exploit the momentum he had generated. A strong Swedish force pushed into Bavaria under the joint command of Duke Bernhard and Field Marshal Horn. The Habsburgs effected a union of forces with their Spanish cousins at Nördlingen, besieging the Protestant stronghold. The Swedes were drawn into a trap. Wittstock 1636 The Cannae of the Thirty Years War. Field Marshal Banér had his lines of communication cut by an Imperial-Saxon army under General Hatzfeld. In a daring plan, Banér divided his numerically inferior force and launched a double envelopment. In a desperate struggle for Vineyard Hill, General Torstensson's cavalry held the line just long enough for General King's cavalry to make the march around the Imperial right flank. 2nd Breitenfeld 1642 Field Marshal Torstensson caps a brilliant campaign with a siege of the Imperial fortress of Leipzig. Archduke Leopold commanding a larger Imperial army rushes to engage the Swedes. Within sight of the same ground of Gustav Adolf's greatest victory from eleven years past, the armies met. The Imperials had hopes for another Nördlingen, yet they got another Breitenfeld. Jankau 1645 Field Marshal Torstensson launches a surprise winter campaign aginst the unprepared Imperial forces in Bohemia, catching the Emporer himself virtually unguarded at Prague. With all haste, General Hatzfeld is recalled and an army cobbled together to stop the Swedes. The armies came together in the wooded hill country southeast of Prague. COUNTERS 772 full-color die-cut counters. MAP Two 22"x34" full-color back-printed mapsheets OTHER: One 10-sided dice 24-page Series Rulebook 40-page Playbook (including Lion of the North conversion rules) 1 11x17 Player Aid card