玩家评分: 7.9

Downtown: Air War Over Hanoi, 1965-1972

桌游极客排名: 3056

本月排名变化: 19

玩家评分: 7.9

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 4.08 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 5.92



出版年份: 2004


| GMT Games


| Lee Brimmicombe-Wood


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Philip A. Markgraf


|飞机 |现代战争 |越战 |战争


覆盖1965年至1972年的空中业务,市中心模拟美国空军与北越防空体系之间的冲突。美国队员控制着空军和海军进攻路线包5和6 - 越南防卫的核心。包装包括轰炸机,战斗机,侦察机,干扰飞机和“铁手”的力量。 ;飞机用于制止敌方防空部队(SEAD)。美国球员的目标是摧毁地面目标。他们只能通过整合所有的包装元素来完成任务,只有最小的损失才能成功。“北越玩家控制着AAA,Fire Can雷达导弹炮和SAM的集中。他们可以发射米格战机拦截针对“市中心”河内的轰炸机。越南队的球员必须打破敌人的攻击。“#20;#20; 20个场景涵盖了从”滚烫雷霆“和”线卫“行动的历史袭击。运动模拟在几天内发生的袭击。


Hex:2.5英里/ 4公里

单位:机票-4飞机),营大型SAM(6个SA-2发射器)或多电池集中的AAA游戏库存:一个22 x 34“全彩色地图“两张双面打印的表格(560个1/2”计数器)“一个48页的市中心规则书”一个40页的市区场景小册子“三个双面打印的飞机数据卡片四个双面打印玩家援助卡



接龙可玩性:低&复杂性级别:高&# 10;玩家:2以上


Downtown: Air War Over Hanoi, 1965-1972 is a game of air warfare over Hanoi. During the Rolling Thunder (1965-68) and Linebacker (1972) campaigns, Hanoi and the Red River Valley was the focus of American air operations intended to pressure North Vietnam's Communist leadership into ceasing their attacks on the South. Against large "packages" of US attack and support aircraft, the Vietnamese deployed a formidable array of anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) and Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs). They also had a force of MiG fighter jets. Covering air operations from 1965 to 1972, Downtown simulates the clashes between American air power and the North Vietnamese air defence system. The United States player controls Air Force and Navy strikes into Route Packs 5 and 6 - the heart of the Vietnamese defences. Packages include forces of bombers, fighters, recon planes, jamming aircraft and "Iron Hand" aircraft for suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD). The US player's objective is to destroy ground targets. They can only succeed by integrating all the package elements to complete the mission with minimal loss. The North Vietnamese player controls concentrations of AAA, Fire Can radar-directed artillery and SAM . They can launch MiG fighters to intercept the bomber streams aimed at 'Downtown' Hanoi. The Vietnamese player must disrupt enemy attacks. 20 scenarios cover historical strike raids from the Rolling Thunder and Linebacker operations. Campaigns simulate raids taking place over the course of several days. Game Scale: Game Turn: 1 minute Hex: 2.5 miles / 4 kilometers Units: Flights (1-4 aircraft), battalion-sized SAMs (six SA-2 launchers), or multi-battery concentrations of AAA Game Inventory: One 22 x 34" full color mapsheet Two dual-side printed countersheets (560 1/2" counters) One 48-page Downtown rulebook One 40-page Downtown scenario booklet Three dual-side printed Aircraft Data Cards Four dual-side printed Player Aid Cards Six dual-side printed Flight Log Sheets Two 10-sided dice Solitaire Playability: Low Complexity Level: High Players: 2 or more Playing Time: 4-15 hours