玩家评分: 7.2


桌游极客排名: 4487

本月排名变化: 37

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 180 分钟

难度: 2.84 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.74



出版年份: 2010


| Treefrog Games | Warfrog Games


| Martin Wallace


| Peter Dennis


|美国内战 |模型 |战争


|行动点分配 |骰子驱动

马克·华莱士的双人游戏争夺了Treefrog的第二线游戏(2009-2010系列,系列的第4场系列),涉及美国内战 - 指挥联盟或联盟部队的玩家。与葛底斯堡华莱士想要产生一个平衡而不是历史上准确的游戏。游戏例如忽略了伤亡水平,而单位并不完全符合旅,部队 - 即使部队的比例接近于历史准确性。


Martin Wallace's 2-player wargame for Treefrog's second line of games (2009-2010 series, 4th game of the series) dealing with the American Civil War - the players commanding either Confederate or Union forces. With Gettysburg Wallace wanted to produce a balanced rather than a historically accurate game. The game e.g. ignores casualty levels, and Units do not correspond exactly to brigades or divisions - even if the forces' proportion is close to historical accuracy. The player pieces in Gettysburg are similar to those in Treefrog's previous wargame, Waterloo. Each day consists of four periods, and the game is played over three days, and key locations must be held by the end of one period. Each player has eight numbered 'order blocks', ranking from two to five. Players then place such blocks in the game areas, the order block allowing a number of orders to be issued that area. The orders can activate units in the same or adjacent areas. Orders are represented by discs, once the number of order discs in an area matches the value of the order block then no more orders can be issued. The players will then have to remove the block and place a new one. If a player does not have enough order discs for the following period, he will be forced to pass for each disc he is short. Assault combat is similar to Waterloo, the main exceptions are that the attacker and defender use different morale check tables. The defender is more likely to retreat than be eliminated, but there is also the chance of a counter-attack to throw back the assaulting forces. The Confederate player wins by taking two starred areas, or Little Round Top.