玩家评分: 8.1

Korea: The Forgotten War

桌游极客排名: 3498

本月排名变化: 20

玩家评分: 8.1

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 4.25 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 16+

专业评分: 5.85


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2003


| The Gamers | Multi-Man Publishing


| Dean Essig | Rod Miller


| Nicolás Eskubi | Dean Essig


|朝鲜战争 |现代战争 |战争

韩国:被遗忘的战争,是游戏玩家发布的第九场比赛。“朝鲜战争”是世界历史上的重要事件。冷战的第一次射击对抗,以及第一次有限的核时代战争,是二次世界大战以来唯一一次,世界上两个主要军事大国彼此战斗 - 在这种情况下,美国和中国。                     这也揭示了联合国在世界军事事件中发挥主导作用的第一次机会。“韩国:被遗忘的战争涵盖了战争的第一年,突显了战争的流动阶段。运动胜利最常由线条的稳定位置(相对于半岛的“颈部”)确定。还包括一些较短的场景,让玩家可以探索具体的操作,或者在进行一场竞选游戏之前将其用作训练场景。韩国:被遗忘的战争于2003年初发布。 2014年(第2版)是2003年(第1版)的重印版,对印刷的OCS规则进行了更改,以更好地符合最新版本的OCS规则。


5个1地图场景#10 4 2地图场景

6 3地图场景


十六进制:5英里/ 8公里


2014游戏库存:“三个22 x 34”全彩色地图“四张双面打印的表格(2张作战,2张标记 - 560 1/2”计数器)

一张48页的OCS v4.1a规则手册


两个4页OCS v4.1a图表&桌子文件夹






Korea: The Forgotten War, Is the ninth game in the Operational Combat Series (OCS) release by The Gamers. The Korean War stands as a key event in world history. The first shooting confrontation of the Cold War, and the first limited war of the nuclear age, it is the only time since the Second World War that two of the world's major military powers fought one another - in this case the United States and China. Diplomatically, the war offers an interesting view of the miscalculation and ineptitude on both sides that led to open conflict. It also brings to light the United Nations' first opportunity to play a leading role in world military events. Korea: The Forgotten War covers the first year of the war and highlights the mobile phases of the battle. Campaign victory is determined most often by the stable positions of the lines (relative to the "neck" of the peninsula). A number of shorter scenarios are also included to allow players to explore specific operations or to use as a training scenario before taking on one of the campaign games. Korea: The Forgotten War was initially released in 2003. The 2014 (2nd edition) is a reprint of the 2003 (1st edition) with changes made to address errata and to better conform to the latest version of the OCS rules when printed. Korea: The Forgotten War has 15 scenarios broken down as follows: 5 1-map scenarios 4 2-map scenarios 6 3-map scenarios Game Scale: Turn: Half-week Hex: 5 miles / 8 Km Units: Battalion to Army 2014 Game Inventory: Three 22 x 34" full-color mapsheets Four dual-side printed countersheets (2 combat, 2 markers - 560 1/2" counters) One 48-page OCS v4.1a rules booklet One 40-page Korea v2.0 game specific rules booklet Two 4-page OCS v4.1a Charts & Tables Folders Two dual-sided Player Aid cards Two 6-sided dice Complexity: High Solitaire Suitability: High Playing Time: 4-100 hours Players: 1 or more