玩家评分: 6.7

Jäger und Sammler

桌游极客排名: 4104

本月排名变化: 16

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 1.96 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.78



出版年份: 2010


| AMIGO | Fantasmagoria | Piatnik


| Reiner Knizia


| Claus Stephan



J&auml; ger und Sammler位于石器时代。每个玩家都可以控制4个猎人/采集者的部落。比赛由两个阶段组成:夏季和冬季。游戏的目的是收集尽可能多的瓦片。玩家每回合有两个移动点,只允许移动到未动画片。当一名玩家离开一块瓦片时,他会把它放在他面前。食物和文物保持面朝下,但武器和猛mamm象保持面朝上。在夏季阶段追捕最大的猛</s>象的人将会开始冬季,玩家们还要在夏天参观四个冬季营,为即将到来的冬季储存用品。如果一个玩家在夏天不能访问所有的四个营地,那么他们在冬季就会有更少的猎人。

有很多不同的瓷砖:游戏结束时的3分,取决于食物的类型。 - 稀有和有价值的神器瓷砖的价值增加,取决于您收集的相同瓷砖的数量。

- 武器被用来追捕强大的猛mamm象。 - 路径瓦片保留在板上,并保证最小的机动性。 - 洞穴彼此连接,可用于在移动时覆盖较大距离。


Jäger und Sammler is set in the Stone Age. Every player has control over a tribe of 4 hunter/gatherers. The game consists of two main phases: The summer phase and the winter phase. The aim of the game is to collect as many tiles as possible. Players have two movement points per turn and are only allowed to move to untaken tiles. When a player leaves a tile he gets to take it and place it in front of him. Food and artifacts are kept face down, but weapons and mammoths are kept face up. Whoever hunts down the biggest mammoth in the summer phase will start the winter phase. Players also have to visit the four winter camps during the summer to store supplies for the upcoming winter. If a player is not able to visit all four camps during summer, he will have fewer hunters in the winter phase. There are a lot of different tiles: - Food tiles score 1 to 3 points at the end of the game, depending on the type of food. - Rare and valuable artifact tiles increase in value depending on the number of identical tiles you collected. - Weapons are used to hunt down mighty mammoths. - Path-tiles remain on the board and guarantee a minimum amount of maneuverability. - Caves are connected with each other and may be used to cover big distances while moving. This game is based on the same prototype as Zombiegeddon.