玩家评分: 6.8

American Megafauna

桌游极客排名: 4923

本月排名变化: 35

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 90-360 分钟

难度: 3.82 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 9+

专业评分: 5.71


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1997


| Sierra Madre Games


| Phil Eklund


| Phil Eklund


|动物 |环境 |史前

来自设计师/发行商:“十亿年前,一个未知的灾难吞没了地球。二叠纪的沼泽和冰盖被三叠纪的起泡沙漠所取代。在陆地和海洋上,96%的动物死亡。“在被称为美国的潘加角的角落,小幸存者谨慎地嗅到中生代时代曙光后的浩劫空气。这些非特异性四足动物中的一些具有不断替代的爬行动物牙齿,这些将是恐龙。其他人雕刻“单次”牙齿,这些将是哺乳动物。这次泰坦尼治生态斗争的胜利者将决定地球上的主人。“显然,执政的爬行动物从那天起就是2.48亿年前,胜利了1.7亿年。只能被推翻,在哺乳动物中,这是什么必须是the the的烦恼。然而,比赛还没有结束。美国的Megafauna在古代美国针对哺乳动物的恐龙坑。该游戏旨在为2至4名玩家,从9岁到成人,或可以玩纸牌。它重现了从三叠纪到现在这两种类型的史前野兽的泰坦尼克号比赛。这是一场生态学,进化论和DNA游戏。玩家开始是四个不起眼的原型之一,但是可以从这个基本类型中分出新的物种,通过投标基因型和DNA卡进行揭示。对于拍卖“货币”,玩家使用来自“基因库”的基因硬币。 DNA卡允许玩家创建奇怪的动物,从带有鹿角的嚼嚼鳄鱼到剑刀肉食骆驼。在高级版本中,劳伦蒂亚大陆偶尔淹没或冰川;温室水平变化;而三个Milankovich周期由具有历史概率的卡片处理。包括蝉草原,山脉,冰盖和红树林沼泽的生物识别卡根据“高潮”连续出现在地图上。评分。





From the designer/publisher: A quarter of a billion years ago, an unknown catastrophe engulfs the Earth. The swamps and ice caps of the Permian are replaced by the blistering deserts of the Triassic. On both land and sea, 96% of the animal species die. In the corner of Pangea that will be known as America, small survivors cautiously sniff the post-holocaust air at the dawn of the Mesozoic Era. Some of these unspecialized quadrupeds have sloppy ever-replacing reptile teeth, these will be the dinosaurs. Others have sculpted "one-shot" teeth, these will be the mammals. The victor in this titanic ecological struggle will determine the masters of the planet. Clearly, the ruling reptiles triumphed since that day, 248 million years ago, and dominated for 170 million years. Only to be overthrown, in what must be the upset of the eon, by the mammals. Yet the contest is not over. American Megafauna pits dinosaurs against mammals in ancient America. The game is designed for two to four players, from ages 9 to adult, or can be played solitaire. It recreates the titanic contest of these two types of prehistoric beasts from the Triassic to the present. This is a game of ecology, evolution, and DNA. Players start as one of four nondescript archetypes, but can branch out to new species from this basic type by bidding on genotype and DNA cards as they are revealed. For auction "currency," players use gene coins from a "gene pool." DNA cards allow players to create strange animals, from cud-chewing crocodiles with antlers, to saber-tooth meat-eating camels. In the advanced version, the continent of Laurentia is occasionally flooded or glaciated; greenhouse levels change; and the three Milankovich cycles are handled by cards that occur with historical probabilities. Biome cards, including cicada prairies, mountains, ice sheets, and mangrove swamps, appear on the map in succession according to "climax" ratings. Expanded by: American Megafauna (Second Edition): Expansion Set Re-implemented by: Bios: Megafauna