玩家评分: 6.8

Gulo Gulo

桌游极客排名: 1729

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 15-20 分钟

难度: 1.08 (毛线)

适合年龄: 5+

专业评分: 6.27



出版年份: 2003


| Zoch Verlag | Competo / Marektoy | Rio Grande Games


| Jürgen P. Grunau | Wolfgang Kramer | Hans Raggan


| Victor Boden


|动作 |动物 |儿童游戏 |幽默


|模块化版图 |物品移除

每个玩家都是一个Gulo或者狼獾,试图拯救一个被沼泽秃鹫抓住的宝贝Gulo,他们试图偷来的鸡蛋。不幸的是,宝贝Gulo,所有的成年人Gulos都被所有美味的沼泽秃鹫分散注意力,而且必须非常耐心等待,因为成年人不断前往非常敏感的“鸡蛋报警器”用秃鹫装备,吓倒了古怪的古洛斯。#10;有一个漂亮的木碗,里面装满了各种尺寸的多彩多姿的沼泽秃鹫,一端插入另一个蛋的长薄的榫钉,像一个旗杆。您可以想像,许多M& M花生形木bits ing ing in in bowl makes makes makes makes makes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...游戏的基本技巧是尝试拉一个特定颜色的鸡蛋,并将其转移到朝向碗的线性路径上的一块瓷砖上,并将一小堆瓷砖躲在宝贝古洛瓷砖上。如果你把闹钟从鸡蛋里拿出来,或者把鸡蛋从碗中敲出来,你的Gulo就会被送回到尝试颜色的前面的瓷砖上。如果没有这样的瓷砖,那么回到起步他就去!

Each player is a Gulo, or wolverine, trying to rescue a baby Gulo who got caught by the swamp vulture whose eggs it was trying to steal. Unfortunately for the baby Gulo, all the adult Gulos are distracted by all the delicious swamp vulture eggs, and it has to wait very, very patiently as the adults constantly trip the very, very sensitive "egg alarm" rigged by the vulture to scare off the pesky Gulos. There is a nice wooden bowl filled with multicolored swamp vulture eggs of various sizes, into which a long thin dowel with another egg at one end is inserted, like a flagpole. As you can imagine, lots of M&M Peanut-shaped wooden bits banging around together in a polished wooden bowl makes it rather difficult to keep a thin dowel with weight at the top balanced... The essential mechanic of the game is to try to pull an egg of a particular color and move to a tile of that color on the linear path toward the bowl, and the little stack of tiles hiding the baby Gulo tile. If you set off the alarm, or knock any eggs out of the bowl, your Gulo is sent back to the previous tile of the attempted color. If there's no such tile, then back to the start he goes!