玩家评分: 6.7

War and Peace

桌游极客排名: 3062

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 6.7

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 120-180 分钟

难度: 3.3 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.92


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1980


| The Avalon Hill Game Co


| Mark McLaughlin


| Denis Dighton


|拿破仑时期 |战争


Avalon Hill Complexity rating - 5

	&# 9;							方案

包括以下情况: Austerlitz,1805; II。耶拿到弗里德兰德,1806-07; III。 Wagram,1809; IV。拿破仑在俄罗斯,1812年;五,解放战争,1813年; VI。拿破仑在湾,1814;七。滑铁卢,1815年八。半岛战争,1808-1814; IX。西班牙:1811-1814; X.战争与和平:1805-1815大运动游戏。


		& #9;		新情景

XI:连接1812年,1813年和1814年的战争与和平的场景的最终荣耀规则 - 最初作为一般文章提供。 17第1期它提供了链接原始1812,1813和1814情景的规则。也被列入1981年发布的第二版规则,并被纳入第三版规则手册。第十二章:Marengo意大利运动1800.这是第十二个官方情景,是在一般Vol。 26 Issue 6.它被纳入第三版规则手册第十三章:从Montenotte到Rivoli - Bonaparte的第一个命令:1796-97的意大利运动一个场景由Tom Cundiff。这种情况包括在Fire&运动发行号146

XIV:东方军队 - 埃及波拿巴1798-99约翰·甘特的场景。 **现在开发完成。被列入战争与和平续集**

						&# 9;		竞选游戏

运动游戏具有海军规则和外交规则,偏离和改变了其他场景中使用的结构。有些玩家抱怨这些规则的含糊不清,而且“游戏”游戏被称为难以玩耍,而且对于2名玩家来说是不平衡的。有人评论说,“运动游戏”感到“贴上”到另一个优秀的场景集合。一般卷23第4期提供了官方规则来帮助2人运动游戏。然而,关于海军规则,官方的修正(“第二版”81号)将进一步使问题复杂化,直到游戏设计师发布自己的一般Vol。 19.问题5.“运动游戏”被进一步改变为“更现实主义”由一般文章Vol。 31 Issue 2。


				&# 9;第3版游戏

这个非官方的第3版规则编译和调和了Avalon Hill多年来发布的规则中的所有差异。包括第1版规则手册,勘误表,第2版规则手册,第3版海军规则(官方),Q& A和其他。由Avalon Hill发行多年,第3版规则手册是最终版。还包括所有官方变体和可选规则。现在可以在本页的“文件”部分下载。这种努力几乎完全包含在官方的工作中。第四版将尝试解决官方工作中的一些问题。


	&# 9;#9;	第4版游戏现在可用

非官方地图板支持综合规则手册,并标题为第4版Mapboard,现在可用。第一版Mapboard是初始版本。有些建议进行了更新,因此被认为是第二版(对于在基辅第四条河上使用白化的人)。全新的地图是第3版。 4.0版本涉及非正式工作,现在可以在VASSAL网站上作为模块的一部分,并作为PDF打印。



	& #9;			“战后和平续集”续集正在进行中,可以被预先安排在

http: //ossgamescart.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=90


From the autumn of 1805 through the climactic summer of 1815, the entire 10 year conflict between France, England, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Spain, is re-created in 10 separate scenarios. Each historical scenario is presented as a separate 2-player game with an average playing time of 2-3 hours. Avalon Hill Complexity rating - 5 Scenarios Included are the following scenarios: I. Austerlitz, 1805; II. Jena to Friedland, 1806-07; III. Wagram, 1809; IV. Napoleon in Russia, 1812; V. The War of Liberation, 1813; VI. Napoleon at Bay, 1814; VII. Waterloo, 1815 VIII. The Peninsular War, 1808-1814; IX. Spain: 1811-1814; X. War and Peace: 1805-1815 Grand Campaign Game. New Scenarios XI: The Final Glory Rules to Link the 1812, 1813 and 1814 Scenarios of WAR and PEACE- Originally provided as an article in General Vol. 17 Issue 1 it provides rules to link the original 1812, 1813, and 1814 scenarios. Was also included in the 2nd Edition of the rules, released in 1981, and is incorporated in to the 3rd Edition Rulebook. XII: Marengo The Italian Campaign of 1800. This, the 12th official scenario, was released in General Vol. 26 Issue 6. It is incorporated in to the 3rd Edition Rulebook XIII: From Montenotte to Rivoli - Bonaparte's First Command: The Italian Campaign of 1796-97 A Scenario By Tom Cundiff. This scenario was included in Fire & Movement Issue No. 146 XIV: The Army of the Orient - Bonaparte in Egypt 1798-99 A Scenario By John Gant. **Development Now Complete. To be included in the Sequel to War and Peace** Campaign Game The Campaign Game had Naval Rules, and Diplomatic rules that deviated from and altered the structure used for the other scenarios. Some players complained of ambiguities in these rules and the Campaign Game became known as difficult to play, and unbalanced for 2 players to play. Some commented that the Campaign Game felt "tacked on" to an otherwise excellent collection of scenarios. General Vol. 23 Issue 4 provided official rules to help with the 2 player Campaign Game. However, regarding the Naval Rules, an official correction (2nd Edition Rules of '81) would further complicate matters until the game designer released his own update in General Vol. 19. Issue 5. The Campaign Game was further altered for "more realism" by an article in General Vol. 31 Issue 2. 3rd Edition Game This Unofficial 3rd Edition of the Rules compiles and reconciles all of the differences in the rules, as published by Avalon Hill over the years. Comprised from the 1st Edition Rulebook, Errata, 2nd Edition Rulebook, 3rd Edition Naval Rules (Official), Q&A, and Misc. released by Avalon Hill through the years, the 3rd Edition Rulebook is the definitive edition. Also included are all official variants and optional rules. Available now for download in the 'Files' section of this page. This effort embraced the official work almost exclusively. The 4th Edition will attempt to fix some of the issues in the official work. 4th Edition Game Available Now The Unofficial Mapboard, in support of the comprehensive rulebook and titled the 4th Edition Mapboard, is now available. 1st Edition Mapboard was the initial release. Some suggestions for updates were made so that is considered the 2nd Edition (for those who used whiteout on the 4th river of Kiev). The brand new map was the 3rd Edition. The 4.0 version, where unofficial work is involved, is available now on the VASSAL web site as part of the module and as a PDF for printing. The 4th Edition Rulebook is specific to the 4th Edition Mapboard and has significant unofficial work to fix various issues. The primary focus of the 4th Edition was the new map and the Grand Campaign Game.