玩家评分: 6.9


桌游极客排名: 1533

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 3 - 7 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30-45 分钟

难度: 2.46 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.33



出版年份: 1971


| 3M | The Avalon Hill Game Co | Eagle-Gryphon Games


| Sid Sackson


| Shannon Crutchfield | Paul Herbert


|卡牌游戏 |推理


| |手牌管理 |记忆 |纸笔记录

在Sleuth,大师设计师Sid Sackson的经典扣除游戏最初作为3M Gamette系列的一部分发布,玩家正在搜索一个隐藏的宝石,在游戏开始之前隐藏的36颗宝贝之一。这个宝石的剩余部分–每张卡片显示1-3颗钻石,珍珠或蛋白石,四种颜色之一–在玩家之间平均分配,剩下的任何一张牌都放在脸上。所以,你和其他人都会从一些关于什么没有丢失的信息开始。第二个甲板包含54个搜索卡,每个显示一个或两个元素,如钻石,对,蓝蛋白石,红珍珠,或您选择的元素。每个玩家收到四张面朝上的搜索卡;在转弯时,您选择其中一张卡,并向对手询问他们所显示类型的宝石数量。如果你要求,说对,玩家必须告诉你他们持有多少对,但不是哪一个特定的对;如果你要求更具体的东西,比如说红钻,那么玩家可以透露一下,当你们秘密地看着他们时,他会拥有多少张这样的卡片。玩家跟踪得分垫上的信息。您可以随时猜到隐藏的宝石,或者您可以随时问任何一个问题,无论您使用哪种搜索卡,然后立即通过标记您的工作表并检查隐藏的宝石卡进行猜测。如果你错了,你会继续玩,但只能回答问题;如果你是正确的,你赢了。




In Sleuth, a classic deduction game from master designer Sid Sackson originally released as part of the 3M Gamette Series, players are searching for a hidden gem, one of 36 gem cards hidden before the start of the game. The remainder of this gem deck – with each card showing 1-3 diamonds, pearls or opals in one of four colors – is distributed evenly among the players, with any remaining cards laid face up. Thus, you and everyone else starts with some information about what's not missing. A second deck contains 54 search cards, each showing one or two elements, such as diamonds, pairs, blue opals, red pearls, or an element of your choice. Each player receives four face-up search cards; on a turn, you choose one of those cards and ask an opponent how many gem cards they have of the type shown. If you ask for, say, pairs, the player must tell you how many pairs they hold but not which specific pairs; if you ask for something more specific, say, red diamonds, the player reveals to everyone how many such cards she holds while you get to look at them in secret. Players track information on a score pad. You can guess the hidden gem at any time, or on your turn you can ask any one question regardless of which search cards you have, then immediately make a guess by marking your sheet and checking the hidden gem card. If you're wrong, you keep playing but can only answer questions; if you're correct, you win. The simplicity of the rules and the cards belies the complexity of the game. In some cases you see cards, while in others you hear only the number of cards that an opponent holds, making it tough to deduce. Any notation system you devise must be both flexible and reliable, recording negative information as well as positive in order to tick off the possibilities one by one... Reimplements: The Case of the Elusive Assassin, with the core mechanisms of that game being used in Sleuth, minus the game board, movement and player proximity.