玩家评分: 7.9

Up Front

桌游极客排名: 856

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 7.9

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 3.41 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.69


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1983


| The Avalon Hill Game Co | Hobby Japan | Radiant Gaming


| Courtney F. Allen


| Charles Kibler | Rodger B. MacGowan


|卡牌游戏 |战争 |二战

只有一次,一场比赛敢于真正的不同,放弃旧的概念,同时打破了游戏设计中的维权领空。 Rarer仍然是这些游戏成功地以轻松理解和可播放格式呈现无与伦比的现实主义的模拟的实例。在UP FRONT,我们只有这样一个游戏。传统战争的笛卡尔和图表已经消失了取而代之的是创新和有吸引力的游戏组件,将大量的技术数据蒸馏成了迄今为止最有玩具,但更细腻的格式之一。

UP FRONT是一个人对人的步兵战斗游戏设置在第二次世界大战欧洲,并且基于流行的SQUAD LEADER游戏系统。玩家无需熟悉各种SQUAD LEADER游戏或玩法规则。设计背后的基本理论仍然是一样的;只有玩的机制不同。 UP FRONT是以卡牌游戏格式设计的SQUAD LEADER原理的一个更简单的改编。然而,在许多方面,游戏比其前辈更为现实,因为它的固有力学模拟了战场的恐惧和混乱,领导层的无能力远远胜过任何已经出版的战术作战游戏。没有玩板它已被替换成地形卡,成为“六边形”的玩家通过动作卡通过不断变化的地形来操纵他们的力量。游戏的规模是根据相对的力量之间的相对范围来衡量的,大多数战斗发生在距离实际时间的不同秒数内的玩家匝数的500米范围内。

UP FRONT是一款游戏玩家游戏,内容丰富,在午餐时间内可轻松播放。然而,它还包含可能持续一周或更长时间的多玩家和运动游戏版本。像其着名的前身SQUAD LEADER一样,UP FRONT是一款开放式游戏,能够描绘美国,德国和俄罗斯战斗人员之间小型单位行动的无尽设计自己的变化。坦克,攻击枪,烟雾,反坦克步枪,拆卸费,邮箱,游击队员,SS,渠道,反坦克矿,步兵枪,火焰喷射器,装甲车,半拖车,Panzerfausts,Bazookas,Panzerschrecks,电线,伏击,无线电,炮兵,矿场,迫击炮,狙击手,星壳,英雄,囚犯和Fords都被考虑在内。事实上,UP FRONT几乎涵盖了SQUAD LEADER游戏系统所采取的四个游戏系列的所有功能,并以更加可播放的格式进行播放。游戏可以用四个字来总结:创新,可玩性,细节和现实主义。这是一个无与伦比的组合。

UP FRONT在Avalon Hill Complexity等级为1(容易)到10(难))中被评为4。


162全色,质量2¼“ &倍; 3½“扑克牌120全色2“ &倍; 2.6"步兵卡40全色2.3“ &倍; 3.1" AFV卡&#10 304双面.75“,.6”和.5“计数器

12个场景,每个最多四个变体塑料卡盘一本包含“设计师笔记”,“历史T”,“O& E图表和竞选游戏名单。

Only once in a great while does a game dare to be truly different and abandon old concepts while striking out to chart virgin territory in game design. Rarer still are the instances in which these games succeed in presenting a simulation of unparalleled realism in an easily comprehended and playable format. In UP FRONT, we have just such a game. Gone are the hexes and charts of conventional wargames; replaced by innovative and attractive game components which have distilled a wealth of technical data into one of the most playable, yet detail laden formats ever devised. UP FRONT is a game of man-to-man infantry combat set in WWII Europe. In many ways, the game is more realistic than SQUAD LEADER principles in that its inherent mechanics simulate the fear and confusion of the battlefield and the inability of leadership to assert itself far better than any tactical combat game yet published. There is no playing board; it has been replaced by Terrain cards which become the “hexagons” of the game as players maneuver their forces via Action cards over constantly changing terrain. The scale of the game is measured in terms of relative ranges between opposing forces, with most combat occurring within a scale distance of 500 meters during the course of player turns measured in varying seconds of actual time. UP FRONT is a game player’s game, rich in detail yet easily playable within the space of a lunch hour. However, it also contains engrossing Multi-Player and Campaign Game versions which could last a week or more. Like SQUAD LEADER, UP FRONT is an open-ended game capable of depicting endless Design-Your-Own variations of small unit actions between American, German and Russian combatants. Tanks, Assault Guns, Smoke, Anti-Tank Rifles, Demolition Charges, Pillboxes, Partisans, SS, Entrenchments, Anti-Tank Mines, Infantry Guns, Flamethrowers, Armoured Cars, Halftracks, Panzerfausts, Bazookas, Panzerschrecks, Wire, Ambushes, Radios, Artillery, Minefields, Mortars, Snipers, Starshells, Heroes, Prisoners and Fords are all accounted for. In fact, UP FRONT encompasses almost everything that the SQUAD LEADER game system has taken four gamettes to do, and does so in a far more playable format. The game can be summed up in four words: Innovation, playability, detail and realism. That’s an unbeatable combination. UP FRONT is rated 4 on the Avalon Hill Complexity scale of 1 (easy) to 10 (difficult). Recommended for two or more discriminating players of skill, ages 12 & up. Each game includes: 162 full-colour, quality 2¼" × 3 ½" playing cards 120 full-colour 2" × 2.6" infantry cards 40 full-colour 2.3" × 3.1" AFV cards (maybe 39 cards? See link below to a BGG post.) 304 double-faced .75", .6", and .5" counters 12 scenarios with up to four variations of each A plastic card tray A 36-page rulebook containing Designer’s Notes, Historical T, O & E charts and Campaign Game Rosters. NOTE: This post https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/785207/article/8884028#8884028 suggests there are 39 Vehicle cards, not 40