玩家评分: 7.2

CAESAR: The Great Battles of Julius Caesar – The Civil Wars 48-45 B.C.

桌游极客排名: 4729

本月排名变化: 33

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 360 分钟

难度: 3.56 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.73


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1994


| GMT Games


| Richard H. Berg | Mark Herman


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Mark Simonitch


|古代 |内战 |战争

Alea iacta est ... 49 B.C.罗马正在动荡。武装暴徒统治街头。第一个Triumvirate - 罗马共和国最后几天的监督者已经瓦解了。参议院和人民有两个选择:一方面是过度的自我,野心,但是有限的军事视野是Gnaeus Pompeius Magno - 庞培伟大的。另一方面是历史上最伟大和最有计划的雄心勃勃的政治/军事人物之一,高卢的征服者凯撒·朱利叶斯·凯撒。在意大利,在Rubicon河的边缘,僵局的言语已经到达了凯撒和他的十三军团。他的作品,为后代:Ialea acta est ...死亡演员

凯撒的朱利叶斯大战重创了5场战斗,使用了GMT伟大的历史战争(GBoH)基本系统:#10 ;

Pharsalus(Tessaly),48 B.C。 Dyrrhachium-Lesnika(Illyria),48 B.C。 Thapsus(非洲),46 B.C。 Ruspina(非洲),46 B.C。蒙大拿(西班牙),45 B.C。

Alea iacta est... 49 B.C. Rome is in turmoil. Armed mobs rule the streets. The First Triumvirate - overseers of the last days of the Roman Republic - has disintegrated. The Senate and the People have two options: on the one hand is the overweening ego, ambition, but limited military vision of Gnaeus Pompeius Magno - Pompey the Great. On the other hand is one of history's greatest - and most schemingly ambitious - political/military figures, the conqueror of Gaul, Caius Julius Caesar. In Italy, at the edge of the Rubicon River, word of the stalemate has reached Caesar and his XIII Legion. He intones, for posterity: Ialea acta est... the die is cast. "CAESAR: The Great Battles of Julius Caesar - The Civil Wars 48-45 B.C." recreates 5 battles, using the GMT Great Battles of History (GBoH) basic system: Pharsalus (Tessaly), 48 B.C. Dyrrhachium-Lesnika (Illyria), 48 B.C. Thapsus (Africa), 46 B.C. Ruspina (Africa), 46 B.C. Munda (Spain), 45 B.C.