玩家评分: 7.5

Das Motorsportspiel

桌游极客排名: 3583

本月排名变化: 22

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 2 - 12 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 2 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.84



出版年份: 1995


| Professional Motor Sports Games


| Peter Steinke | Martin Wieland


| 暂缺


|竞速 |实时 |体育


|投骰子移动 |模拟


&汽车排队,比赛开始。按照从头到尾的顺序,玩家可以选择滚动一个,两个或三个骰子。第一个死亡是一个特殊的死亡只有1,2和3,而其他两个是正常的d6。骰子可能被翻转到相对的面。在移动车之前,玩家必须遵守骰子的使用顺序。然后用骰子移动你的车。但是,如果您在一个不符合速度的角落中使用模具进行移动,则会导致驾驶错误。根据严重程度,您可能需要在下一圈穿过坑排。显示2,3,5的骰子允许汽车对角线移动,否则汽车必须保持车道。有一个起草机制需要遵循特别标记的空间。所有这一切都将使游戏相当计算和无聊,直到你玩球员的转弯和制定规则,“一个死去的是一个死亡的玩”...#原始游戏来了与DTM Hockenheimring轨道,并有两个后续的地图找到或购买,其中包括埃森2000发布的最新曲目。


N'uuml; rburgring


This racing game is packaged in a long, plastic tube. Included in the game are huge maps on large poster-sized sheets, a collection of miniature touring cars (complete with spoilers, hood ornaments, roll-bars and lots of other details), and dice. The cars are lined up and the race begins. Going in order from first to last, players have a choice of rolling one, two, or three dice. The first die is a special die with only 1's, 2's and 3's on it, but the other two are normal d6. The dice may be flipped to the opposite face. Before moving the car, the player must commit to the order that the dice will be used. The dice are then used to move your car. However, if you use a die for movement in a corner that's not rated for that speed, you'll get a driving error. Depending on the severity, you might have to journey through pit row on the next lap. Dice showing 2,3,5 allow the car to move diagonally, or else the car must maintain its lane. There is a drafting mechanism that entails following into specially marked spaces. All of this would make the game fairly computational and boring, until you time the players' turns and make the rule, "A die laid is a die played..." The original game came with the DTM Hockenheimring track and there are two subsequent maps to find or purchase, which includes the latest track released at Essen 2000. Expanded by: Nürburgring Oschersleben