玩家评分: 6.9


桌游极客排名: 942

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 1 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 2.5 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.64


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2009


| 战棋会(中文)


| Mike Elliott


| Jason Engle


|卡牌游戏 |梦幻 |战斗

对于年龄恶劣的Doom Knights已经设法收集剩余的雷电,以实现在土地上的腐败的预言。现在,第一个雷电石被发现在“地下城堡”里,而死亡骑士已经派遣他们的奴才要求遗物。巴罗斯代尔的村民聚集勇敢的灵魂面对地下城,并将雷霆石从Doom Knights手中夺回。雷霆是一个奇幻的甲板建筑游戏,绝对是Dominion的风格。在游戏开始之前,将会随机选择一些乡村和英雄卡,玩家可能会添加到他们特定的甲板上。像Dominion一样,每个玩家都从一张较弱的卡片开始,他们可以用来购买其他更强大的卡片。在雷霆般的这些牌中,这些牌可能是不同的英雄,如法师,弓箭手,小偷或战士,或者他们可能会提供需要武器,口粮或光线的英雄进一步进入地下城。





雷霆前进:废墟之塔#雷霆:龙龙# Thunderstone:Starter Set

For ages the vile Doom Knights have sought to gather the remaining Thunderstones to fulfill a prophecy of corruption over the lands. Now the first Thunderstone has been discovered in the Dungeons of Grimhold and the Doom Knights have sent their minions to claim the relic. The Villagers of Barrowsdale gather brave souls to face the dungeon and keep the Thunderstone out of the hands of the Doom Knights. Thunderstone is a fantasy deck-building game much in the style of Dominion. Before the game starts a selection of Village and Hero cards will be randomnly chosen that players may add to their specific decks. Like Dominion, every player starts with a basic deck of weaker cards that they can use to purchase other more powerful cards. In Thunderstone these cards may be different Heroes such as mages, archers, thieves, or warriors or they may be supplies the heroes need like weapons, rations, or light to reach further into the dungeon. A dungeon deck is also created by combining several different groups of monsters. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different Hero types, so players will have to take this into account when they choose what to buy. Rather than buying puny Victory Points, players will use their deck to defeat monsters in the dungeon. From the monster deck a row of cards is laid out. Players may on their turn choose to attack a monster in the deck rather than visit town and buy cards. If they do this they play cards from their hand and resolve their abilities in order to boost strength and have enough light to reach a specific monster. Some monsters also have special abilities which may hinder the player. If they have enough strength they defeat the monster and place that card in their deck. This card is worth victory points and often can be used as money to purchase other cards. In addition to this, players are awarded experience points for defeating monsters which can be used to upgrade their heroes into more powerful versions. The game is played until the Thunderstone is revealed from the dungeon and a player is able to claim it. The player with the most victory points in their deck is the winner. The basic Thunderstone framework was updated in the implementation of Thunderstone: Advance. Integrates with Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin Thunderstone: Dragonspire Thunderstone: Starter Set