玩家评分: 7.2





Lost Cities

桌游极客排名: 330

本月排名变化: -

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.48 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10

专业评分: 7.13



出版年份: 1999


| 新天鹅堡(中文)


| Reiner Knizia


| Vincent Dutrait | Michaela Kienle | Anke Pohl


|卡牌游戏 |探险 |数学

失落的城市是Kosmos双人系列赛的卡牌游戏。该游戏由2张和2张的单张牌组成,5张不同颜色的10张,3张特殊的“握手牌” (以下记录示例中的“HS”)。还有一个董事会,只能持有和组织丢弃的卡片,并且在很大程度上是多余的。游戏持续约15分钟。这通常被认为是很好的“夫妇”游戏通常被推荐给非玩家合作伙伴的玩家。游戏的目标是通过将有利可图的考古考察乘以5种颜色代表的不同网站来获得积分。在玩家轮到时,他们必须始终先玩一张牌,或者将其丢弃到适当的丢弃堆,然后再画一张牌。每个颜色都有一个单独的丢弃堆,玩家可以画出任何丢弃堆的顶卡或甲板的顶卡。对考察玩的卡片必须按照升序排列,但不一定是连续的。握手被认为低于2,代表着远征的投资。因此,如果你玩红色4,你可能会在未来的转弯中打出高于4的其他红牌,但可能不会再发挥握手,2或3。


得分榜样1:远征队有2,3,7 ,共8,10个,共30个。这次考察值为10个积分:30减去初始的-20。得分示例2:考察队有2个HS,4,5,6个, 7,8,10,共40个。这次考察值为80个积分:卡的40分,减去最初的20分,次数为3,2的乘数为3,加上8张卡的20分奖金。 #10;

得分示例3:考察有1个HS,总共为4,6,7个。这次考察值为-6个总分:17减去初始的20,× 2为乘数。

Lost Cities is a card game in the Kosmos two-player series. The game originally consisted of a single deck of cards of rank 2–10 in five different colors with three special "handshakes" ("HS" in scoring examples below) in each suit, but as of 2019 the game now includes six colored suits, with the sixth color being optional for gameplay. A game board is included to organize discarded cards and help players organize their card collections. The object of the game is to gain points by mounting profitable archaeological expeditions to the different sites represented by the colored suits of cards. On a player's turn, they must first play one card, either to an expedition or by discarding it to the color-appropriate discard pile, then draw one card, either from the deck or from the top of a discard pile. Cards played to expeditions must be in ascending order, but they need not be consecutive. Handshakes are considered lower than a 2 and represent investments in an expedition. Thus, if you play a red 4, you may play any other red card higher than a 4 on a future turn but may no longer play a handshake, the 2, or the 3. The game continues in this fashion with players alternating turns until the final card is taken from the deck. The rest of the cards in hand are then discarded and players score their expeditions. Each expedition that has at least one card played into it must be scored. Cards played into an expedition are worth their rank in points, and handshakes count as a multiplier against your final total; one handshake doubles an expedition's value, while two handshakes triples that value and three handshakes quadruple it. Expeditions start at a value of -20, so you must play at least 20 points of cards into an expedition in order to make a profit. If you are left with a negative value and have a handshake, the multiplier still applies. A 20-point bonus is awarded to every expedition with at least eight cards played into it. A complete game of Lost Cities lasts three matches, with scores for each match being added together. Scoring example 1: An expedition has a 2,3,7,8,10 for a total of 30. This expedition is worth 10 total points: 30 plus the initial -20. Scoring example 2: An expedition has 2 HS, and 4,5,6,7,8,10 for a total of 40. This expedition is worth 80 total points: 40 points for cards, plus the initial -20, ×3 for the two multipliers, plus the 20-pt bonus for playing 8+ cards. Scoring example 3: An expedition has 1 HS, and 4,6,7 for a total of 17. This expedition is worth -6 total points: 17 plus the initial -20, ×2 for the multiplier.

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