玩家评分: 6.6

Ave Caesar

桌游极客排名: 1674

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.36 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.28



出版年份: 1989


| Asmodee | Cafe Games | DiceTree Games


| Wolfgang Riedesser


| Ingrid Berner | Eckhard Freytag | Thomas Thiemeyer


|古代 |模型 |竞速


|手牌管理 |竞速 |追踪行动

设在罗马体育馆,玩家使用卡片将他们的战车移动到准可变轨道上。赛道本身具有瓶颈和车道变更限制,使赛车对赛车有兴趣(非常类似于底特律 - 克利夫兰大奖赛或代托纳500号)。玩家必须进行三圈比赛,他们必须停下来,才能完成“冰雹凯撒”。游戏很轻,但如果您浪费太多动作,需要较长时间的外线,您可能没有足够的动作来完成比赛。后来,这款游戏被改造成了Ausgebremst,最显着的变化是模块化板卡和选项,以减少运气。

新的Cafe Games / Pro Ludo版本与Ravensburger版本相比只有2种不同的轨迹在板的两侧有2个轨道变体。

Set in the Roman stadium Circus Maximus, players use cards to move their chariots around a quasi-variable track. The track itself has bottlenecks and lane-changing restrictions, which make the race interesting for the racers (very similar to Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix or Daytona 500). Players are required to race three laps, and they must stop to 'Hail Caesar' before they can finish (a pit stop). The game is light, but if you waste too many moves taking the longer, outside-routes on corners, you may not have enough movement to finish the race. Later, the game was revamped into Ausgebremst, with the most notable changes being modular boards and options to reduce the luck. The new Cafe Games/Pro Ludo edition has only 2 different tracks compared to the Ravensburger edition with 2 track variants on both sides of the board.