玩家评分: 8.1


桌游极客排名: 2453

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 8.1

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 480 分钟

难度: 3.17 (重度策略)


专业评分: 6.03



出版年份: 1988


| Multi-Man Publishing | Ragnar Brothers


| Phil Kendall


| Lee Brimmicombe-Wood


|内战 |现代战争 |战争

(从MMP的网页:)安哥拉重建了1970年代暴政数十年的安哥拉内战的一小部分,随着殖民势力的垮台,安哥拉内战将其血腥的道路拖入21世纪感谢部分冷战政治。安哥拉是一个多人游戏,玩家控制着从1975年到1976年控制安哥拉的各种苏维埃和美国支持的派系。最初发布在英国的拉格纳兄弟有限的数量,安哥拉很快成为一个罕见的,高度追捧的几乎邪教地位的游戏。为什么?安哥拉拥有一些创新的游戏系统,让玩家猜测,创造大量紧张,并奖励大胆和谨慎的平衡。 MMP正在通过IGS游戏系列的神话般的图形来更新这个经典,并将其带给更广泛的观众。“地图分为几个区域,单位代表军事组织和特殊武器,例如作为火炮,火箭,坦克和飞机。一个独特的命令和激活系统让玩家秘密地执行命令,以便轮到他们激活有限数量的单位。玩家随后按照确定的顺序激活他们的单位。结果就像一场紧张的扑克游戏,玩家试图分析地图,并猜测他们的敌人。


安哥拉包含:#10; 2张卡片(共110张)



22 QUOT; 34“英寸地图



开发人员:Adam Starkweather

(from MMP's webpage:) Angola recreates a brief portion of the violent, decades-long Angolan civil war that began in the 1970s with the fall of a colonial power and dragged its bloody way into the 21st century thanks in part to cold war politics. Angola is a multi-player game in which players control the various Soviet- and US-backed factions that vied for control of Angola from 1975 to 1976. Originally released in limited quantities by Ragnar Brothers of the UK, Angola quickly became a rare and highly sought after game of almost cult status. Why? Angola features a number of innovative game systems that keep players guessing, create plenty of tension, and reward the right balance of boldness and caution. MMP is now updating this classic with the fabulous graphics of the IGS line of games and bringing it to a wider audiences. The map is divided into areas, and units represent military formations and also special weapons, such as artillery, rockets, tanks, and airplanes. A unique command and activation system has players committing in secret to the order in which they will activate a limited number of their units for the turn. The players then take turns activating their units in the determined order. The result is like a tense game of poker, with players trying to analyze the map and out guess their enemies. The game is finely balanced, and all players frequently feel as if they are simultaneously on the verge of victory or defeat thanks to an ingenious victory point system that rewards good play for both sides and allows players to absorb reversals and strike back with the right countermove. Angola contains: 2 decks of cards (110 total) 32 page full-color rulebook 2 player aid cards 22" by 34" inch map 3 countersheets 4 six-sided dice Developer: Adam Starkweather