玩家评分: 6.9


桌游极客排名: 2728

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 2.3 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.97



出版年份: 1864


| (Public Domain) | Arrco Playing Card Co. | ASS Altenburger Spielkarten


| (Uncredited)


| 暂缺



经典魔术卡牌游戏,玩家投标多少积分,他们将获得设定王牌的权利,然后必须让他们的投标得到他们的分数。 Pinochle与修改后的标准甲板一起玩。它包括一个48卡片卡,所有2-8被丢弃,并且每张卡片中的两张(可以通过组合两个52卡片卡片并且剥离所有2-8个卡片来制造一个双筒甲板卡)。

Pinochle在其他伎俩游戏中找不到几个独特的元素:玩手之前,玩家组合(跑步,结婚,p le,套),加入他们的分数。

- 玩双有时候是四倍)甲板:A 10 KQJ 9

- 玩家必须在无效时胜出,超过王牌可以。


游戏被修改为更多的玩家与几个流行的变种,包括合作伙伴Pinochle,合作伙伴拍卖Pinochle和双包Pinochle(合作伙伴) ;

Classic trick taking card game in which players bid how many points they will score for the right to set trump, then have to make their bid to get their points. Pinochle is played with a modified standard deck. It consists of a 48 card deck with all 2-8's discarded, and two of each card (a Pinochle deck can be made by combining two 52 card decks and stripping all 2-8's). Pinochle has several unique elements not found in other trick taking games: - Before playing the hands, players form melds (runs, marriages, pinochle, sets) which are added to their score. - Played with a double (and sometimes quadruple) deck of cards: A 10 K Q J 9 - Players are required trump when void and over trump if they can. The original version of Pinochle is a two-handed version which is derived from the virtually identical Bezique. The game was modified for more players with several popular variants including Partnership Pinochle, Partnership Auction Pinochle, and Double Pack Pinochle (Partnership). (The origin date listed for this game is approximate.)