玩家评分: 6.2

Cranium Hoopla

桌游极客排名: 4844

本月排名变化: 44

玩家评分: 6.2

玩家人数: 2 - 8 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.27 (毛线)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.72



出版年份: 2002


| Cranium, Inc.


| Whit Alexander | Richard Tait


| 暂缺


每个玩家被处理4张卡,描述常见的人,地点或对象。另外8张卡被添加到普通的Play Pile中。玩家然后轮流掷死,以确定可以给出什么类型的线索,启动计时器,从他们手中选择一张卡片,并尝试让其他玩家尽快猜测该卡上的内容。 ;可以给出描述你的卡的四种类型的线索是:

Cloodle - 通过绘图和涂鸦提供线索#舌舌 - 使用alliteration给出尽可能多的线索,从单个字母开始#10; Soundstage - 为线索行动或提供音效(但不能使用单词!)

Tweener - 以“大于空白但小于空白”的形式提供提示,使用暗示答案的两个对象#有人猜测卡在播放中,停止计时器并从Play Plot中绘制一张新卡。下一个玩家会死亡并重复相同的过程,直到没有牌或剩下15分钟的时间。#10;

被卡在特定牌上的玩家可以选择丢弃该牌,但是然后必须将两张新卡添加到游戏中 - 一张卡直接放置在该玩家的手中,并将一张罚单卡添加到Play Piles中。


A timed version of Cranium, designed for two or more players to play cooperatively. Each player is dealt 4 cards depicting commonly known people, places, or objects. Another 8 cards are added to a common Play Pile. Players then take turns rolling a die to determine what type of clues can be given, starting the timer, selecting a card from their hand, and trying to get the other players to guess what is on that card as quickly as possible. The four types of clues that can be given to describe your cards are: Cloodle - provide clues by drawing and doodling Tongue-Tied - use alliteration to give as many clues as possible that start with a single letter Soundstage - act out or provide sound effects for clues (but you can't use words!) Tweener - give hints in the form "It's bigger than blank but smaller than blank", using two objects that imply the answer After someone guesses the card in play, stop the timer and draw a new card from the Play Pile. The next player takes the die and repeats the same process, until either no cards are left or the available 15 minutes are gone. Players who are stuck on a particular card can choose to discard that card, but two new cards must then be added to the game instead - one card is placed directly in that player's hand, and a penalty card is added to the Play Pile. The game is won by all players if they can work together to guess all of the cards in play before the timer runs out.