玩家评分: 6.8


桌游极客排名: 2073

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45-90 分钟

难度: 2.99 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.13



出版年份: 2009


| Ystari Games | Rio Grande Games


| Emanuele Ornella


| Arnaud Demaegd


|古代 |文明建设




玩家要么去来自阿苏尔贵族的一次性奖金,或者通过献给神和建造Ziggurats进行长期投资。“游戏持续三个时间,由2-3个这样的周期组成。每个时代都到了洪水之后:董事会被部分清理,但是玩家也可以从阶段3中获得投资。每一回合,玩家还可以获得分数(在两条河之间的肥沃土地上建立更多点)和ziggurat与Ystari系列的其他游戏相比,亚述比Caylus,Olympos,Ys或Sylla更轻(在复杂性方面,可用的选择 - 由许多瓦片,卡片,图标,卡片等组成)需要记住,可以在游戏中结合),但比Yspahan,Mykerinos或Metropolis更重。

In Assyria, players represent tribes living in Mesopotamia, trying to develop on the desert and a limted fertile area located between two rivers that divide the board. In their quest for power (points), players build Ziggurats (permanent outposts), wells, make sacrifices to gods and try to get along with nobles of Assur - the capital of Assyria. The game is a light-weight eurogame, built around the short-term rapid point gains vs long-term investments dilemma. General flow of play is as follows: Phase 1: Players get resources for expansion and decide on play order In this phase, players pick cards with resources that enable expansion on the board. In general he/she who gets most food, plays last. First player expands with least food. Phase 2: Players expand on the board to earn points or money. Players begin to form strings and/or clusters of huts and pay for placing them with their food cards. Depending on where huts are placed, they either score points or earn camels (money). Phase 3: Players spend money/camels on various investments. A player either goes for one-time bonuses from the nobles of Assur, or makes long-term investments by offerings to gods and building Ziggurats. The game lasts for three eras, made up of 2-3 of such cycles. After each era comes the flood: the board is partially cleaned up, but players also capitalize on their investments from phase 3. Each round, players also score points for huts (those built on fertile land between the two rivers bring more points) and ziggurat tiles. In comparison to other games from Ystari's series - Assyria is lighter than Caylus, Olympos, Ys or Sylla (in terms of complexity, available choices - represented by numerous tiles, cards, icons, cards etc. that need to be remembered and can be combined during play), but heavier than Yspahan, Mykerinos or Metropolis.