玩家评分: 7.5

Gears of War: The Board Game

桌游极客排名: 666

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 60-180 分钟

难度: 2.87 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13

专业评分: 6.82


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2011


| Fantasy Flight Games | Edge Entertainment | Epic Games


| Corey Konieczka


| Ben Zweifel

来自发行者的游戏说明:“一段时间,Sera的人类知道和平,然后出现日。蝗虫部落没有警告地到达,无数的恐怖从他们的地下洞穴溢出。有组织的政府联盟(COG)努力抵御地下的威胁,但是他们的防御也很快被摧毁了。数十亿人死亡,人类将他们的大规模毁灭性武器转移到自己的城市,否认敌人的控制。现在,反对压倒性的赔率的长期斗争接近一个最后的绝望的立场。战争机器:由Corey Konieczka设计的棋盘游戏基于Epic Games狂热的第三人称射击游戏。一到四名球员承担了COG士兵合作摧毁蝗虫部落的角色,并且必须共同努力,完成任务,反对一个巧妙的挑战和多样的游戏系统。在战争机器:棋盘游戏,你会重温经典时刻从战争机器和战争机器2–路ie ie ie ie with with with with your your your your your your!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your同伴COGs,因为您的团队在愤怒,白指关节的消防中占据一个无敌的敌人!只有通过团队合作和交流,才能获得战术优势,完成任务并为人类打击。#10;



- 在路障任务级别3中,使用瓦片12A而不是3A。 - 在规则中,在组件列表下,以下三个条目不正确的: - 23伤害/掉落的武器标记,应该是22

- 12手榴弹令牌,应该是14

- 36弹药令牌,应该是44

Game description from the publisher: For a time, the humans of Sera knew peace...then Emergence Day came. The Locust horde arrived without warning, and countless horrors spilled forth from their underground burrows. The Coalition of Organized Governments (COG) struggled to fend off the subterranean threat, but their defenses were quickly crushed. With billions dead, humans turned their weapons of mass destruction on their own cities to deny the enemy control. Now the long struggle against overwhelming odds approaches one final, desperate stand. Gears of War: The Board Game, designed by Corey Konieczka, is based on the wildly popular third-person shooter by Epic Games. One to four players take on the roles of COG soldiers cooperating to destroy the Locust horde, and must work together to complete missions against an ingeniously challenging and varied game system. In Gears of War: The Board Game, you’ll relive classic moments from Gears of War and Gears of War 2 – Roadie Run into cover, spray your enemy with blind fire, or rip him in half with your Lancer's chainsaw! In Gears of War: The Board Game you must fulfill one of seven randomly constructed missions and support your fellow COGs as your team engages an unflinching enemy in furious, white-knuckle firefights! Only through teamwork and communication will you gain a tactical advantage, completing your mission and striking a blow for humanity. You'll need every soldier you can get if you hope to send the Locust horde back to their holes. Leave no man behind! ERRATA - In the Roadblocks mission level 3, use tile 12A instead of 3A. - In the rules, under Component List, the following three entries are incorrect: -- 23 Wound/Dropped Weapon Markers, should be 22 -- 12 Grenade Tokens, should be 14 -- 36 Ammo Tokens, should be 44