玩家评分: 6.6

Rail Baron

桌游极客排名: 2862

本月排名变化: 21

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 2.27 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.95


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 1977


| The Avalon Hill Game Co


| R. S. Erickson | Thomas F. Erickson, Jr.


| 暂缺


|经济 |火车 |交通



铁路男爵是早期的火车游戏之一 - 拥有铁路主题的棋盘游戏。玩家沿着美国历史悠久的铁路线运送火车,并收集交货收益。他们竞争购买铁路,以组建一个网络,让访问重要的地图目的地,同时试图阻止他们的对手这样做。

从盒子(阿瓦隆山书架游戏)&#10 ;只有在美国!



你以$ 20,000开始,一列火车。你从城市到城市的旅行赚钱。很快,你有足够的钱来建立你的帝国(你可以只需$ 44,000购买B& O和C& O)。更多的持有从你的对手带来更多的钱你的方式(跟踪租赁)。

与战略的许多新的细微差别,它成为一个游戏,财富看到,直到最后一个铁路男爵破产 - 或积累20000美元需要赢取。





铁路男爵– “第四人战略 - 铁路男爵诊所” (策略)Michael Gray


铁路男爵– “短小游戏和两人游戏” (变体讨论)Gary Charbonneau


铁路男爵– “开心”:策略与铁路男爵战术“ (策略)By Bertrand Bauer


铁路男爵– “货运列车 - 铁路男爵” (变式)Kenneth Waido


铁路男爵– “我最喜欢的线条 - 铁路男爵铁路” (策略)Matt Ellis


铁路男爵– “政府干预铁路男爵 - Avalon Hill的帝国游戏” (变式讨论)Stephen Taylor,Jim Brown和Alan Marian

Rail Baron is one of the earlier train games - boardgames with a railroad theme. Players move trains along historical USA railroad lines and collect delivery payoffs. They compete to purchase the railroads in order to assemble a network that gives access to important map destinations while simultaneously trying to prevent their opponents from doing so. From the Box (Avalon Hill Bookshelf Game) Only in America! You are living in the heyday of the locomotive. You are Jay Gould. And you have just added another railroad to your vast railroad empire. Flushed with success, you now retire to the sartorial splendor of your very own Pullman Palace Car. The dream ends. You awaken to reality with the thought... "just another fantasy." Ahh, but for the grace of Avalon Hill, you dream continues. Here, in Rail Baron, you become a latter day Gould, or a Cornelius Vanderbilt, or any of those menacingly infamous moguls whose wizardry and acumen established the criteria for which business success was to be judged in decades to come. Rail Baron is played on a large board of the United States RR network. in fact, it comes in three separate boards. Laid end to end, it spell out America and portrays the 28 major rail lines and major cities they connected during the halcyon days of railroading. You start with $20,000 - and a train. You make money on trips from city to city. Pretty soon you've got enough money to build up your empire (you can buy the B&O and C&O for just $44,000). More holdings bring more money your way (track rental) from your opponents. With many new nuances of strategy, it becomes a game where fortunes see-saw until the last rail baron is bankrupt - or has accumulated the $200,000 needed to win. All of this may take 3 to 4 hours. But it's great fun for 3 to 6 people, ages 10 & up.