玩家评分: 7.4

Bulge 20

桌游极客排名: 8399

本月排名变化: 76

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 75 分钟

难度: 2.32 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.58



出版年份: 2009


| Victory Point Games


| Joseph Miranda


| Tim Allen


|战争 |二战


Publisher blurb: 'Veteran game designer Joseph Miranda has designed scores of wargames, but he has always resisted "doing yet another ‘me too’ game" on The Battle of Bulge. That is why only now he has created something truly new for the wargaming hobby, his game design opus: Bulge 20: The Ardennes Offensive. Introducing the Command Staff Series(TM) game engine, where a "Headquarters’ Perspective" of the campaign means players focus on strategy through staff planning using G-1 (Administration), G-2 (Intelligence), G-3 (Operations), and G-4 (Logistics) cards. On-map maneuvers and battle outcomes are not laborious mechanical exercises, but quickly resolved to provide "news from the front" that must be dealt with through proper planning and staff work. In Bulge 20, the Allies don’t know which German strategic objective is being pursued. Allied intelligence work is required to ascertain the real German intentions so as not to overreact to the threat, because this time, the Germans can win if their staff can out think and outmaneuver the Allies’ staff!' Game Components: > One 11” x 17” game map > One 11” x 4.2” battle mat > Two player aid screens and Order of Battle mats > 48 Staff / Objective cards > One 8-page, illustrated, color rules book > 63 full-color, mounted, die-cut square and round game pieces > A complete setup display sheet + Designers Notes Time scale: Each Game Turn equals 3 days Unit scale: Armies organized around Corps units (to provide "steps")